176 reviews liked by ISleeepster

Persona 3 didn't need to be remade.
(Reload is peak.)

i am NEVER going to france bro what the FUCK is this



I mean yeah, there's a reason this is such a darling among Boomer-Shooter fans.
This was an extremely fun, fluid, and fast paced experience that I had a ton of fan going through, some weird design choices like the final boss notwithstanding.

Played this on Co-Op with my little sister because she's been obsessed with Geese lately.
Very cute and likable little game, I SUCK at the stealth gameplay, but it didn't overstay it's welcome and having 2 geese made it more chaotic which was fun.

This game took me A LONG TIME to get into. Having never played a game of this style, the game really didn't have a lot of instruction and most of it I figured out through trial and error (lots of error). I just felt like for a long time that I was just REALLY bad at this game and it was really discouraging to say the least. It felt clunky and I just couldn't get used to the controls for the life of me, but once I got them down and unlocked more useful shards and weapons, the whole game was easier to navigate. This game really isn't forgiving and save rooms are few and far between so when you fuck up, it feels worse than usual. Once I was about 50% done with the game I started to get hooked and had my own shard formula that worked very well for my playstyle. The bosses for the most part were very challenging and I had a lot of fun with them but I must admit, they were glitchy. The two bosses that my game glitched out for were the twin dragons and the doppelganger. For the twin dragons fight, I randomly fell through the walkway and fell 2 levels down and saw the dragons from behind (they don't have full tails by the way; fun fact) and the doppelganger got stuck in the wall at some point and wouldn't come out. It just felt like for the boss fights, there should be little room for glitches to happen and they still do. Overall this game doesn't have a lot of replay value (at least to me) but I do feel like I got a full experience and am able to form a solid opinion on it.

Ser Daine, Franz, Lesfa and Fucker, you'll forever be iconic

do not look at the artbook, worst mistake of my life

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rest in peace zack fair, you would have loved strangers of paradise

this is the best game ever actually
10/10 would beat the shit out of le’garde again