186 Reviews liked by ISleeepster

The first Devil May Cry has simple but satisfying combat, a fun and overly edgy story, and really, really cool atmosphere. This is a good first entry to a series, it's rough around some edges in terms of game design and mechanics, but we can cut it some slack since it invented a genre. The world for this game is sick, I loved the atmosphere the entire way through. The music is awesome too. The only really big downside is that camera. It SUCKS. Very clearly was a reworked Resident Evil game. But, I got used to it, and when I did I was having a really fun time with this game.

I'm so excited to play the amazing future entries!!! Wait what? A really bad sequel? Oh yeahhhh, guess I gotta get through that first.

This game kicked my balls lmao, they really cranked up the difficulty here.
I do find the "Arena shooter" formula to get kinda repetitive, think I prefer Boomer shooter's focus on exploration, but I can't deny just what a solid package this is

Felt a bit like it was cut down in some areas, likely suffering due to being made during Covid, but still this is a really great installment with a tone of soul, fun moments, and cool themes. Was kinda like a better version of 2

vivid memories of laying alone in the dark listening to sum 41 on my DS. this was my ipod and it got me through the most evil trials of my life

i had a song from this game stuck in my head for around 18 years and finally found it the other day

I don't think I dislike this much as much as Conquest cause that game ruined a lot of great ideas, but MAN there is nothing here.
Gameplay works fine still, but this completely disregards the whole idea behind the game in such a cheap way

this is going to sound hyper specific but i have a ton of nostalgia for letting the dog intentionally eat garbage outside, then going into the status menu and reading what exactly the garbage was, because it told you for some reason. great game

i was a well-behaved kid, i never swore or anything around adults and stayed out of trouble. one day a deep darkness swirled within me while playing super scribblenauts, and i walked up to my dad with the game. this was the one where they added adjectives, so once he was looking, i typed "Big Fat Ass" with the stylus and spawned a large donkey. never seen him laugh so much in my life

I was extremely surprised to click the page for this and find that Schuld has mostly negative reviews. This is a very short German RPG Maker game that mimics Inferno by Mr. Alighieri, but I always found it pretty imaginative. It takes place in a modern apocalyptic society where cigarettes are money, you're dodging weird bandits and Biblical figures, it's a strange game. It's definitely corny overall and the gore is kind of cheesy. You've also got an ending that is extremely cliche, but for like a 45 minute game you could do way worse.

CW: Suicide/Depression

"I hope you keep going anyway. Always keep going. Don't give up like me. You never know how much more time you have."

What you get out of this game is very dependent on you as a person. For some, it is misery, for others, it could be a sign to never lose hope and keep going.
I personally got the later. Even if, it was a depressing ending, with a sad way for everything to end, in the end of the day, it's a cautionary tale. It's a direct letter from the dev of this game, begging us not to go down the same path he did, even if he didn't realize it at the time. While life is sad and depressing, and there are many moments for us to be miserable about, there will always be people we care about, and music to leave us happy in the fleeting moments, and despite everything, we need to remain hopeful
Of course, this isn't to invalidate the negative experience someone may have with this game, cause I understand, it's a horribly depressing experience. However, this is what I personally got out of it, but on the same time, I perfectly understand why you wouldn't want to touch it as a piece of work.
I just hope you all stay safe, and stay in touch with your loved ones

One of the first games I played that showed me you could have fun in this world without killing. After playing every call of duty and assassins creed known to mankind, my mind had experienced several lifetimes worth of trauma and decided it was time to retire on the farm. Genuinely a beautiful and serene experience



A great modernization of Doom that aims to be a fun action game first and foremost.
I do prefer the exploration in the older games, and the combat here does get a bit repetitive towards the end, but this is still more then worthy of the Doom title.

I wanted to give it a fair shot and y'know what, I kinda had fun in the first few hours.
That said this game is bad. Like EMBARRASSINGLY bad.
The movement is awkward, the level design is horrendous, the story makes NO sense, every character is either boring or straight up unlikable, the villains motive is incomprehensible, HELL EVERYONE'S MOTIVE IS INCOMPREHENSIBLE, the dialogue feel generated by an ai with the only prompt being "make it as edgy as possible", if this shit isn't the worst ff game then i dunno what is.
It has reeve though which elevates it from a 2 to a 3/10, love the little guy (he's a grown ass man but whatever)