Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau said workers rights

I enjoyed playing for the first few weeks, and then it got too samey for me. I guess it's fine as a very passive walking app, but there's not enough to hold my interest. At least not yet. I might revisit it if it still exists in a year.

As freemium clickers go this is fairly competent and unusually cute.

Oh the nostalgia! I don't even mind the changes - I think it would be hard to make the game enjoyable for new players without changing something. Slightly bitter that they've stretched it out rather than releasing the full game in the one-er, but I'm a sucker so I'll just wait for (and pay for) part 2.

I played the Android version of this originally and got fully addicted. Then, I played again on PC when Epic Games had it for free, and got fully addicted all over again. I fully plan to play Sheltered 2 at some point soon.

This is a super relaxing puzzler with soothing music and a cute art style. For me, it's the perfect thing to play for 20 minutes or so to kill a bit of time. Much more than 20 minutes and I'm ready to do something else.
So a question, why is there not an android/iOS release? I would play this constantly if I could play it on my phone.

This makes me sad. There are some fun ideas here, and space for a fun game, but the freemium mechanism kills it dead.

While in general I prefer to explore this kind of game unguided, Stardew Valley has so much in it that using the Wiki is a really good idea. The game is bigger than you'd expect, and you'll miss stuff without the Wiki.

Otherwise, it's a very lovely farming sim. The mechanism for slowly teasing out the backstorys of the NPCs is particularly fun. I also found that the length of in-game days was long enough to get things done, whilst being just slightly too short to finish everything you might want to do, which leads to wanting to play "one more day" for much longer than I ever planned to.

Now I'm looking forward to Haunted Chocolatier!

This and Wor*l*dle are the best of these games, as far as the ones I've played go.

My goal is to get the answer in under 50 guesses, but sometimes it takes me well over 100 guesses and that's just fine.

Pro tips: The words are chosen from news articles; a word can be semantically similar to its antonym; and if you're stuck, take a few guesses in random directions and review.

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I have no idea what that was all about but now I want to play the other Rusty Lake games.

Update: Googled a bit and found out there was a secret extra level, so played that too. Definitely hooked now, and going to play some of the Cube games soon.

I remember finding this game via the old fullyramblomatic website, which probably tells you too much about how long I've been online. Anyway, it was particularly memorable for being a surprisingly playable and funny free game. To my mind, it was amazing that it made by someone who wasn't even a professional games developer. That meant I could make games too! I mean I didn't, obviously. But I could have. Probably.

Anyway it was fun. Good scary bits, nice atmosphere, some puzzles that worked, some which... didn't, but that's true of a lot of games.

It's alarmingly bloated, and it's a shame that they've reduced the focus on stealth, but this is the most fun I've had with an Assassin's Creed game in years. I've even overpaid for some DLC because I'm a schmuck I guess, but I'm enjoying that too, so there.

Extra half star for every time I accidentally murdered a heron straight out of the air whilst riding my horse.

I spent more time rolling my eyes than anything else, but given you can play this in 2 minutes, at least that wasn't a lot of time.

You're all excited about Tim Curry (correctly) but George Takei and David Hasselhoff were also in this