It's a shame this was something of an obscure title for a while due to the relative unpopularity of the Sega CD add-on. This is a really cool game! The time travel concept was a neat innovation, and it made for a unique way of traversing the different stages as you searched for ways to travel to and from the past. It also introduced one of the iconic villains of the series in Metal Sonic, adding him to one of the coolest stages in 2D Sonic games. The real star of the show is the soundtrack, however. I do prefer the Japanese OST to the US one, but I think both produced some memorable tracks in Sonic's musical library.

A thoughtful puzzle game with an interesting story. At a glance, the Talos Principle might seem a little basic. There aren't really any unique mechanics--you just pick things up and move them, and the method to solving the puzzles is relatively straightforward--get the correct beam to the correct receiver. But, even in that simplicity, something engaging comes out of it all. There's even a plot buried underneath, and a frighteningly familiar backstory! The puzzles are satisfying and many of the solutions surprising, and the meditative soundtrack makes for a soothing, cerebral experience if that's what you're looking for.

I can't describe how excited I was to play this. Spider-Man has been my favorite superhero since I was a kid, and him getting the "Batman" treatment, so to speak, was an enticing prospect! Overall, the game delivered! The gameplay, story, and visuals were all delightful. I would say it just falls short compared to the other phenomenal games that came out in 2018.

I can't resist. I have to blast this game. This game is the SOLE reason that I don't preorder anything anymore. I grew up with Duke Nukem 3D, and I was so excited for a new take on Duke and a new FPS game. Good God this game was a huge piece of shit (similar to the literal piece of shit you can grab out of a toilet IN THE GAME)! Nothing about this gaming experience was fun, but you know what? I finished it. I slogged through this steaming cesspool and finished the goddamn thing. I was not going to let the game win. I'd give it a zero if I could.

One of the most revered RPGs and SNES games for a reason. Everything about Chrono Trigger works. The characters are fully realized individuals with unique abilities and benefits; the gameplay is clean and simple, with some twists on the formula; and the story is perfectly paced with the usual light-hearted shenanigans to open, hints at some greater mystery, huge developments late in the second act, and a finish that is entirely in the hands of the player, complete with multiple endings! And with New Game +, the game is perfectly replayable to do something new your next go around. I'll add that the game has excellent side quests without overloading the player with content. In fact, I kinda wish there was a little more to do in the late game! This will always be a favorite of mine.

I absolutely adore this game. It may not ever be revered in the pantheon of great RPGs, but I will always have a soft spot for my first ever tactical RPG, which was something different from the games I was used to. It's got a diverse cast of characters to utilize on the battlefield, and its basic story of attempting to stop the resurrection of a great evil makes it easy to root for the heroes you play as. It's simple, but satisfying!

Rightfully considered one of the best games in the Zelda franchise, A Link to the Past codified the formula for the series by returning to its origins after the less successful Adventure of Link. Not only is it a great Zelda game, but it's one of the very best adventure games of its era. The progression as you gain powerful new abilities and items on your journey is well paced and satisfying. The dungeons are unique and challenging. And, the Light/Dark world concept offers a whole new dimension to the gameplay as you gain access to new areas by switching between the two. It was a game changer at the time and remains a classic that holds up quite well!

This game often comes up in conversations about "video games as art." I happen to think all games qualify, regardless of their quality, but I see why Shadow of the Colossus is one of the go-to examples. This game is truly an artistic endeavor, with a stunning, sparse world, incredible and cinematic encounters, and a thrilling and moving score. Now, let's talk about the gameplay. Honestly? It's clunky. They smoothed some things out with later re-releases, but playing this on the PS2 was a challenge for sometimes the wrong reasons. Granted, some of this could be intentional based on the protagonist's inexperience... but it made for occasional frustration in an otherwise very good game! Made today, it's probably a much cleaner experience. This is the one thing that keeps this game from a higher rating for me. Otherwise, it's phenomenal.

I have fond memories of playing the original RE4 with my best friend from high school. Late nights, junk food, and losing our minds at all the scary shit on screen. This remake made me feel young again, and it improved a lot of aspects of the original that now feel shallow in retrospect. Had a blast revisiting the village, the castle and the island and kicking ass with Leon S. Kennedy.

It's popular to dunk on this game for its constant re-releases, but Rockstar crafted a really fun experience that's easy to get lost in! I spent many sessions just cruising around Los Santos, getting into mischief. The story wasn't that interesting to me, and I gave up on those missions after a while. Online play rejuvenated some interest, but it's also incredibly chaotic. Overall, though, it's a fun game.

This is just about everything I want in a Star Wars game. Customizable character, force powers, lightsabers... it's all great! ... once you get there. Both this game and its sequel suffer from horrendously slow early games. Getting through Taris is such a slog, but eventually the rest of the experience is so good that I kinda forget about the boring parts. The story is excellent, with one of the great reveals in video game history, and the game is full of phenomenal antagonists who always seem to show up at the most inconvenient times! All-in-all, a Star Wars RPG is a slamdunk, and Bioware did a heck of a job.

I remember the very first time I saw the opening screen of this game, and it honestly astounded me. Even having been born into the 16-bit era, I loved the simple 8-bit introduction of this game, with the visual of the title over the waterfall backdrop and the credits that lay out the premise, coupled with the epic opening theme. From there, the ensuing game is pretty good! It certainly laid the groundwork for one of the great franchises in gaming. As I've said for a lot of these first installments, it's not flawless, and future games made some major improvements, but the solid road map is there!


Skill and stealth! Gatling guns akimbo! Atomic toast! These are your greatest weapons against the alien invasion of Earth in this hilarious action title. You play as three distinct characters, the sniper scope-wielding Kurt; the gun-happy, robotic six-legged dog Max; and the eccentric Dr. Hawkins, who does, in fact, wield an atomic toaster and other unique inventions. The humor is reminiscent of games like Earthworm Jim and cartoons from the 90s, with goofy aliens, smarmy wisecracking, and even potty humor. It also has the MOST year 2000 soundtrack, and it absolutely rocks. If you're looking for a fun, action shooter romp that's a little bit silly, this is your game.

The start of a great journey! The Uncharted series reminds me of some of my favorite adventure films. It has mystery, death-defying feats, violent battles against (sort of) faceless mooks, and even some romance! This first installment is a great introduction to the core cast of characters, with the ever-charming Nathan Drake leading the bunch. It only gets better from here!

Like many games that kicked off great franchises, this one has a lot going for it. It's not perfect, and future installments definitely improved on the formula, but it created something that was different enough from what had come before. Other Sonic games have better levels, better special stages, and even better controls, but it all started with this little game!