Subjectivity is implied

5: excellent, masterpiece
4: very good
3: interesting, but flawed
2: mostly bad/boring. Do not recommend
1: very bad, no enjoyment to be found

TLDR: everything from 3-5 I enjoyed/recommend
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I adore the lore, the world, and the desperation.
The only reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is because it is very, very buggy, and in a game with restricted saves it's pretty shitty to have a random bug delete hours of progress in an instant.

Great story. It is however, very long for its own good. The cast isn't as dynamic as the one in 4&5, the vilains are pretty forgettable, and the pacing can get pretty monotonous. Still, heavily recommended for it's stand out moments (Aigis, the Akinari SL, the final boss, the masterful ending, etc).

Great cast. The mystery surrounding the plot is also very interesting (even if it goes a bit off rails in the end)