Sort of interesting with how the combat gradually opens up to more experimentation, but this game's downright baffling story and annoying party members (I'm talking about you, Hope and Vanille) deflate things somewhat. I also wish that there was some sort of interactive element in the setting (towns or shops or something similar); otherwise, the world just feels too empty. Anyways, so far for Final Fantasies 12 and 13, I do find them somewhat entertaining if also somewhat tiring. Hopefully, this trend does not continue in my marathon

About as anarchic a game as Nintendo can make

Absolutely terrific! Each level's a real symphony of chaos, but it's still so tight and clean

Pretty fun! Motion controls are a very clever fit for the microgames (even if sometimes they don't always track your movements the best)

A very fun (and funny) space adventure. Quite impressed with how reactive and dense it is for its age

A perfectly decent combat system and a pretty well-realized setting are unfortunately mired by tedious pacing and grind, not helped by its bland story and characters

There may never be another game quite like Kentucky Route Zero, but that's fine with me. Just makes it even more special

Very good game that just admittedly doesn't feel quite as compelling/replayable as Civ IV or V. The district system was a good idea (making cities less cluttered), and it's got a lot of personality. I do wish that the AI wasn't so erratic, and some of the other systems (espionage, diplomacy) were not so roughly designed

Got kind of sidetracked by other games and hadn't been able to fully appreciate this. As the biggest Mario fan I know of, I think that this is the Metroid Dread of Mario (a 2D platformer that reinvigorated the franchise after a long hiatus and showed that the 2D games can be just as creative as the 3D games). Really delightful game, Wonder Effects really change levels up! You can even see all the ideas that Wonder has accumulated from the New Super Mario Bros. series, 3D World, people's Super Mario Maker levels, and even Super Mario Run

Don't know how you mix Alpha Centauri and Civ V and get a game as lame as this

Used to not like this near as much as Civ IV, but I will happily admit now that it is a terrific game in its own right that makes the Civ experience more accessible. Unit stacking is gone, city-states make diplomacy as a whole more complex, and the expansions brought back religion and ideologies in interesting ways