This game is far from perfect and needs a lot of TLC. Regardless, this was a good time and another set of memories made. Plot is alright but not too interesting, plays well and gunplay isn't terrible. Dialogue was repetitive and downright bad, I don't think I've ever been so annoyed by this before. The two maps are very well put together, just not a whole lot going on in them. Enemies are OK but the AI can be a bit borked from time to time. Saving your progress can also be a bit of a pain if you aren't paying attention the the auto save notification, can lose time spent, if you aren't keeping tabs on it. The co-op is fine, it's easy to jump in and out of a session but no way of currently joining one in progress. I think the shape this game was released in is a shame. Nothing can change the launch but here's top hoping they turn this around somehow, there's a good game under all of the crap.


Simple and elegant, these are the two words I would use to describe this one. Found myself sitting and listening to the soothing sounds and music, much too appreciate in this one.

This one I've been meaning to check out for a good while. It's a callback to adventure games of the late 90's and early 2000's. This game oozes with personality and charm. Check it out if you are looking for a quick nostalgia fix.

The controls are a bit jank but I liked it despite that. Really cool to check out the first entry.

The visuals are pretty stunning for a Saturn title. Found myself running around Rondo Forest looking at the trees and admiring the reflections in the water.

Cute cast of characters, I liked them a lot.

Gameplay wise, the combat is a lacking and hit window is small.

There are quite a few bosses and they're neat but a couple were pretty busted.

OST is amazing, pretty sure I'll have it in my rotation for a bit.

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Despite the lighter tone, I liked it and the message it conveyed.

What I didn't like was the atrocious final maze. I ran around for a good hour before I figured it out.

Final thoughts: It's Silent Hill just a bit toned down. Combat's pretty important and it lacks any. Don't always need it but its SH.

It's mindless fun with very little plot. Good gunplay and abilities.


Charming and cute adventure game in VR. Short and sweet title I would recommend to any VR first timer.

Gonna keep it simple and to the point.

Visuals are awesome, best for an MK game IMO.

Game play is easy to pick up and remember.

Kampaign is much more enjoyable than I was expecting. Even though MK isn't really known for it's story telling.

Game play is easy to pick up and remember.

Overall, a good time and will be coming back to it on and off for the towers.

Surprised with this one. Wasn't expecting too much and got so much more. Some good jump scares and creepy atmosphere. Even if the tone is comical at times, it does a good job creeping you out. Loved it.

Like Night at The Gates of Hell, you get creepy atmosphere, humor, and jump-scares. It's short and sweet.

I wasn't too fond of the older titles, when I was younger. Slept on this one for a good four years, before I started to play it. The developing relationship with his son and the journey to spread his mothers ashes was worth the fifty hours I put into this one, what a game this was.

Everything I like about the second game applies here. Except for the length of the episode, a bit on the short side. Still, much fun and would recommend for any Half Life fan.

Great shooter that can be a bit rough around the edges at times. If you like boomer shooters, you'll feel right at home. Did my first play through on Uber, Deathshead was kind of an odd fight but the climactic ending was worth it.

This game was $20 and I had just bought my headset. Game is fun for about 30 minutes, then you move on to something more interesting, like dinner with your grandmother or some shit.