this game wish it was Arkham City.

but web swinging is really cool

its fine, just a worse version of Arkham City.

honesly shouldve been DLC

its a great game if you dont count the grind tower

It has this nostalgic feel to it that made me feel very good when playing it. Max is also very much and likable.

But honestly this is not a good game, the ending is terrible and the main relationship in this game is kinda abusive and the game doesnt treat it as such it seems, crazy how not so many people notice it.

but its a bit of a guilty pleasure that i cant help to be fond of

one of the most disappointings games i've ever played

This was linear gaming at its peak.

truly a mark in video game history

i hope AAA games go back to being more like this someday

This game is sometimes kinda boring and sometimes one of the best games ever made.

its a experience for sure

Peak BioWare.

a shame what happened after it

They should fire whoever had the idea to make this game open world.

It was good at first and then it became so damn boring

its a Remake but i guess it counts as EA making a good game after so long

Scariest Silent Hill and maybe the scariest game ever made.

but i somehow still found it weaker than Silent hill 1 and 2

Still great tho, very worth playing it

this 1999 game was somehow scarier the most things i ever played or watched.

its great and deserves all the praise it has

So good that it somewhat ruined AAA games by everyone wanting to copy it