This game is underrated af, actually one of the best KOFs. Sure, Magaki is a bitch and the menus and backgrounds do not look good, but these are honestly very minor problems. The gameplay is a HUGE step up from 2003, from the physics to being able to actually use the tag mechanic in more creative ways now. Also it has probably one of the best OSTs in the franchise and I really like how some of the endings are linked together.

it hit me so hard i turned into joker and started laughing like a crazy psycopath halfway through

this game is mid because it has too much singa

this game is mid because it has no unisuga

this game is peak because it has resonance of ray

this game is peak because it has lots of koguchi

this game is peak because it has van

this game is peak.

who let them cook
tf did they do to yukari man 😭😭😭😭

everyone has glasses so i'm forced to have it as favorite persona game

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Infelizmente não tem o charme que os jogos de Ys costumam ter. O plot tem potencial, mas não foi desenvolvido direito, e a gameplay é completamente quebrada. Nenhum personagem tem muito carisma, a com mais destaque é a Terra e ainda assim ela é BEM melhor no VI. Nem a trilha sonora disso se destaca, coisa que é raro em Ys.

Valeu @Quisinho te amo

Tem alguns problemas no jogo que me impedem de achar ele melhor que o XIII e o 2002, os chain combos não reduzem o dano e por isso o ultimo round é sempre um "quem acerta primeiro ganha", já que todo mundo geralmente tem muita barra.
Mas, tirando isso, o jogo é perfeito. Tá absurdamente lindo, os efeitos estão incríveis, adorei os cenários e a OST, e a gameplay está mais fluida que nunca, um grande avanço em relação ao XIV, que parecia um pouco travado. Fico meio triste que a SNK não vai fazer um jogo baseado em sprites de novo, mas felizmente ela evoluiu muito no 3D.

Played the NES version.

Honestly better than I thought as a port, didn't think the NES could handle it but it was actually decent.
The problem is that Wanderers from Ys is a VERY flawed game at its core, so a port being decent doesn't mean the game is good. It's too linear, unfair and the grinding is AWFUL.

Played the SNES version after, and it somehow manages to be even worse. That Galbalan fight is one of the worst boss fights of all time imo.

either you hum unisuga or you muh unisuga

expected it to be way worse.
the game does have tons of problems, but who cares when it's so fucking epic lol