Only played ending A
Got kinda bored playing it ngl
Still need to play other endings they'll prob change my mind about it but who knows lmao

Story is sick too one of my favorites love this game

Had a ton of fun playing this game despite it being on PS4 with shitty optimization. Gonna play it modded on PC at some point

Liked it wasn't the biggest fan of the combat but regardless still a fun game love anything movement related

fun too bad it had a shitty launch

Sick game gotta replay it at some point

I mean I didn't really pay attention to the story tbh I just liked flying around and blowing shit up

Mods put it up a tier. Not a huge fan of grinding to get ores I find it kinda boring but still fun for the most part

Story is whatever I liked driving around hacking traffic lights and fucking with the police lol

Such a fun well rounded game I'm gonna replay it at some point

Not really too much wrong with this game found it fun and I liked the setting a lot I thought the setting was pretty cool