Could've been cool if it wasn't rushed. Maybe the whole game wouldn't run underwater and a bunch of other QOL stuff. Maybe. Possibly. Just a hunch.

's fine I guess. It doesn't feel too bad to play plus all the characters you have (and unlock) are wildy different. But I ain't a fan of this Token junk at all. Gotta stretch that 100% length somehow. Enemy variety is eh... and bosses can get their asses torn apart by Marian so that's funny. Comboing can be fun but it's also one of those "one combo fits all" (as I like to call it) where you do the same one for everything.

Also not a fan of the way the in-game style looks. It's a step above reusing DD2 nes' sprites again but... I wish it were something more akin to river city girls. I think it fits the game's promo-art more than this weird bobble-headed, not-chibi style.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind this being DD4 as okay as I found this. Just a tad disappointing as far as beat em up revivals go.

Not as cool as the premise described it. Guess you can say my expectations were too high leading to my disappointment. Also the boxart from one of my favorite artists convinced me well enough to try it out.
Driving sections are alright-ish. Didn't think they controlled too terribly. Beat em up sections are too simple even by arcade brawler standards. Also A.I. kicks my ass in the VS mode.

Could've been a great game if they just scrapped the RPG elements (like leveling up weapon capabilities). They REALLY weren't needed. I went as far as grinding the buster and saber so a satisfactory level to match the X games before entering the major levels. And it was a better experience minus the part where I actually had to grind. Good game with some weird decisions holding it back.

Pretty cool for a smaller scale fighter. Would've preferred to not have a Gougi system so I hope there's some Another Dash update on non-switch consoles (probably not a realistic wish but let one wish.) Man, are the devs really dead set on supporting it. More ports and rollback netcode added. All after a couple of years with a dedicated cult fanbase. Tempted to add a half star for that alone.

Stop letting Yoshinori Ono touch fighting games.

Half star down cuz of Devil Within

The earlier stages were fine, but having to fight 3 guys vs only 1 of you is kind of bullshit. 1 v 1 would have been perfectly fine. Also, fuck Raphael.

Humble beginnings, as they say.

This old PC port is pretty cool for letting you choose between the old models and remixed models just like that.

For the game itself, it's okay.
Not the most polished fighter but nothing entirely sluggish.

Product of its time sort of deal.

Shut up, Dark Edge seethers. VF has REAL 3d!

Stop letting Yoshinori Ono touch fighting games.

Pretty much a Jet Set Radio fighting game. In general, the colorful cel shaded look, goofy fun party atmosphere, and the wild character designs share an aesthetic. Doesn't help that they were released in the same year. But it's a fun game. Plays akin to the Marvel Vs. Capcom games minus the tag mechanic. Honestly, attacks feel a lot snappier which isn't something you'd expect for most fighters of this console. There's also this Rhythm mechanic where you play a rhythm game to initiate a character's ultimate move. I've never fully pulled one off. And neither has most of the internet. Can't even find a compilation. They're mostly good for chip damage I suppose. But yeah. Surprisingly good game.