One of the most underrated games I've played. JRPG elements in a tennis GBA game. Good pacing and lots of fun all around

Short fun game with early 2000s nostalgia. If you used AIM, you'll reminisce about this game.

I just play the Squid Game in this and it was good for it being free, as was Battle Bits. Anything else is just antics aimed for kids and getting kids to learn Lua.

I really wish Nintendo would port this game because it felt like what portable Mario Party would be if told someone to imagine it, and it worked.

Funny anime tie in for Gen 1, crazy how tough Brock was because they gave you pikachu and the only way to beat it was get a nidoran and teach it double kick. Lets go Pikachu learned it's lesson with that.

The best hi-jinx comes when someone in your friend group or party dies in game and you react by giggling like its a sleepover and you don't wanna go to bed.

I saw the twitch streamer Dougdoug play this against another twitch streamer and it honestly captured the feeling of arcade games and carnival rides perfectly. From the terrible crane game grip strength to the absurd rng, it truly captured the arcade feel. Good with friends if you are on a budget and can't go out with them to an actual arcade.

Never played the original but got into the Persona series at the start of Persona 5 Royal.

I have never felt I have learned a bigger lesson about life and hardship in a video game until now. The most relatable characters in this tragic tale for me were Junpei and Aigis, and the narrative for this game made me really value life and the world around it. Hearing side characters' ordeals gave me a fresh perspective on certain hard topics to digest and deal with. Tartarus' special entrances sped up the grinding process in a fun but challenging way.

I could go on and on about the mass amount of beauty this game bestows but it is best you find out for yourself if you have the time.

This is the first Mario based platformer I’ve completed and it was a great fun game that any person at any age can enjoy.

I like the giant ants and lasers -Me at 6 years old and Me at 26 years old

Waluigi's Debut and it was in an iconic Mario Sports game.

This game as a kid made me want to be a photographer

A lot of people's favorite or first Smash Game is Melee but I had the 64 and not the GC growing up. Nothing more beautiful then Luigi's Up B to win the game.

The Theme Song had no business going off just reciting the NBA Game Policy. Missed not having Jordan in there (No. 98) but at least Shawn Kemp and Shaq were fun to dunk with