In retrospect, this game is quite mid.

Review of the Bible (chapter by chapter):

Genesis 1: Amazing introduction for world building. Extremely iconic lines. 10/10
Genesis 2: More worldbuilding. Good Adam and Eve introduction. 7.5/10
Genesis 3: The twist! So good! Possibly the most iconic twist in literature! 10/10
Genesis 4: More character building and family explanation. 7/10
Genesis 5: Kinda excessive and repetitive but I understand what they were trying to explain. 6/10
Genesis 6: Good buildup to the next chapter. Noah is my favorite character so far. 7/10
Genesis 7: Insane! This book is going by so fast! Sad that the rest of Adam and Eve’s children had to die but whatever fuck them. 10/10
Genesis 8: it’s ok. I understand that it’s a bridge chapter but it’s a little long and drawn out. 5/10
Genesis 9: Really good chapter. Drags a bit near the end but I like the idea that Noah and his family have learned the rights and wrongs of their ancestors and are going to grow from that. Also Jesus Christ why is everyone living extremely long lives. That would be torture to live for 1000 years. 9/10
Genesis 10: it’s an alright chapter. A lot more worldbuilding is going on here. They definitely are adding a ton more characters. It’s getting a bit too grand for my tastes. I think that half of these characters aren’t going to go anywhere. I see that they are trying to say that a ton of time has passed since the flood until the next huge moment but I don’t think they have to tell every single person who was born. Oh well. 7/10
Genesis 11: I like the first half where God decides to make communication a lot harder. A little mean but oh well. The second half is basically what we’ve seen before in Chapter 5. 7.5/10
Genesis 12: This was a bit confusing. The fast pace hurts this chapter. They go through a lot that it’s tricky to take in. But I like this Abram character. 8/10
Genesis 13: decent chapter. I enjoy how it’s setting up this city and Abram’s movement. 7.5/10
Genesis 14: This is beginning to be quite a violent story. Still way too fast paced though. I do like the suspense that is building up here. 7/10
Genesis 15: This is definitely the most interesting chapter yet. Abram is in this problematic point in the first half but the second half’s wording is quite confusing. I had to look up what’s going on and that is some plan alright. 7.5/10
Genesis 16: I’m not a fan of this. Is it truly alright that the Egyptian mistress, Hagar, should be the one to bore Abram his successor? It doesn’t make sense that Ishmeal would be Abram’s legitimate successor. I don’t know the word for this but I think that “Concubinage” is close enough. 5.5/10
Genesis 17: Alright there is a lot to unpack here. Abram is now Abraham which is a pretty cool name change if I do say so myself. Verse 10 says all men shall be circumcised which sounds like a major issue for people joining Abraham’s movement going forward in the future due to its pain. Verse 16 explains that Abraham’s wife (now Sarah, not Sarai) will be blessed and have a child. So Abraham now has a legitimate successor, however, this could lead to issues and drama with Hagar. But Ishmael is still part of Abraham’s covenant though. Interesting. And everyone gets circumcised after that talk. 8/10
Genesis 18: Two things to unpack. One, Sarah doesn’t believe that God could bring her a child. Odd that she doesn’t believe him. Second, God will not harm Sodom even if righteous people continue to exist there. Basically, the righteous should not die with the wicked. I liked that a lot. 8/10

To be continued… (will be updated daily)

you wanna hear about how shit TMS is
the game itself is dogwater
anyone who says otherwise has been gaslit by nintendo
and the disease is ever spreading
thats my tinfoil condom theory
there cannot be this many people who actually think this awfully designed game is good
they've all been gaslit
and im gonna prove it
1. a lot of people like to say the game is an smt x fe crossover with a unique identity of its own
since when was a game about generic idols doing idol shit ever unique?
the game has no unique identity, and it is completely bland and the very foundation of the core idea of the game is ruined by its own inconsistencies
the game is about the dark underbelly of the idol industry but does not convey this in any meaningful way and just says "the evil guys were the mirages all along and the people aren't evil even though they're humans"
and the actual design of the game sucks

“Isn’t it a dancing game?”

it's like
persona but instead of one mores and a cool baton pass mechanic you get this shitty string of combos that gets old very quick and never builds upon itself throughout the entirety of the game
instead of 4 party members you get 3
and unlike most 3 party member games where it lets you change out the leader, you can't do that in TMS
the main character is always in the party
so really you only have 2 options for customizing the party

“The Main character is always in the party in FE”

the game could've done with 4 party members
instead of being extremely limiting
the weapon system is the worst in any FE game
it's like DDS mantras but somehow more grindy
and you need to find items to even make the weapons
which is how you get new skills
and that's not all
you know how multiple classes can use the same weapons in FE?


like this guy can use swords but this guy can too
not in TMS
despite being a cavalier and pegasus knight, two classes that use lances, touma and tsubasa use different types of lances
it can't even get down one of the most basic mechanics in FE
you only get access to other weapons once you promote
which is by like the 3rd or 4th dungeon i think?

“The most basic mechanic is permadeath.”

which TMS doesn't have either due to there only being like 7 or 8 party members?
another CRINGE thing about tms is the light and dark spells
look at this
these are all of the light and dark spells
notice anything?
no hama or mudo
which means no fast way of clearing out encounters
and all of the single target ailment skills like poisma or pulinpa are enemy only
for some stupid fucking reason
so despite being called a dark mage, kiria only learns exactly 1 dark spell that does damage
because there's no medium or heavy dark attack
there aren't session follow ups for light and dark even though there are for every other element
so hitting those weaknesses is pointless
even though enemies can be weak to that
who looks at this game and goes
"yeah that's fun"

“Which studio made this game?”

you wanna hear something crazy


the same people who made devil survivor and strange journey
made this game

“Bullshit. I don’t believe that one bit.”

its true


there's even devil survivor and strange journey dlc outfits
i just wanna know who thought this game was okay

and why people defend it
there's literally no reason to
you may think it's good, but what you think and what is are 2 different things
like for example
i like fire emblem gaiden
but even i know it is a shitty game
speaking of fire emblem gaiden
you don't get an axe user in TMS until the late game

“I like FSR but even I know it’s a shitty game.”

until then, it's just swords, lances, bows, and magic
gaiden moment
you don't wanna have a gaiden moment in your game

“Is Echoes a good replacement for Gaiden?”

it is essentially the same game but pretty

“And horny?”

and they attempt to make it look cool by giving a game with a nonexistent story, a story
you can take a guess how that goes

“30 Hours?”

yeah but gaiden was similar in that regard
but for different reasons
both are very grind heavy games but gaiden is slower due to being on the NES
and echoes has the newly added combat arts but there really aren't that many
so it's a negligible new mechanic
combat arts are essentially physical skills from smt where they're like special attacks at the cost of more HP
and in FE3H instead of taking HP they consume more weapon uses
which i think is a better way to handle it even though echoes couldn't do that due to weapons being unbreakable
so it takes HP instead
because HP is the only expendable resource
fire also got shafted in TMS as an element
there are severe spells for every other element except for fire
bolganone is in the game
but it's enemy only :)
anyways, TMS sucks dogshit and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
the people who say the game is good have no idea what they're talking about

Holy shit this is the worst game ever made. It seems to be brutal on purpose. However it makes sense. Many Fire Emblem fans have problems with Thracia. Mainly the whole difficulty thing and the fucking troll level design at points like Chapter 11's extremely fucked up thing in America and Chapter 24x in general. The fog of war thing at points is the funniest thing because of how fucked up you can boned so far up the ass. Also the characters you get most of the time are terrible. Now what about Leif? He's an idiot. He's so god damn childish at points. This makes sense why the game is so hard. It's like if you ask some 15 year old to go win a war. They aren't gonna win. This game seems to be the only FE game where you have to think all the time or else you're gonna have such a bad time with it if you don't.

Or maybe it's just Kaga trolling people because it was the last FE game he made.

So is this game better than Fire Emblem IV? Uh...maybe. But I think it's quite a nice addition to the world that Genealogy crafted. Will this game get a good remake? No. If they do, they are going to tone the difficulty down a lot because Nintendo.

Thank you Hee-Ho on Discord for making me want to play this game and partly torture myself. Masterpiece.
EDIT: He hates my review because the game is perfect.

>Copy bloodborne
>Add twink

I've always wanted to conquer the world.

Sadly I live in modern America where guns the greatest thing known to man, bayonets are completely impractical, swords are fucking useless, and those amazing european suits of armor with dick protectors (yes those exist) are obselete. Thankfully, video games exist nowadays and I can kill my unquenchable thrist for this unknown type of urge I want. After years, I found what I was looking for. Strategy RPGs. For a while, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War had what I wanted. Massive interconnected maps with a simple battle system and a great storyline to boot. Also, the game has a rating system which begs you to get a perfect game (which I plan to do one day) along with a generation system where the relationships of characters can lead different troops you get down the road. But the game wasn’t enough. The map was confined to a dozen or so maps that you couldn’t go back to and check on later. Plus, Fire Emblem had gone back to their regular old self and never tried this type of approach ever again. Plus, that rumored remake is probably not happening. Thankfully, I decided to graduate to grand strategy games and test their waters. There’s just one problem, they all fucking suck. Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Total War, and Liberty or Death were tailor made for hardcore players and insane PC gamers who can multitask like gods and know how to work their extremely advanced and complex UI and mechanics. They were a little too big for my taste. But thankfully, I found this game, Kichikuou Rance.

It has what I wanted. It’s immersive like wow I’m conquering the fucking world! It has a pretty simple UI design (being made in 1996 by a bunch of wack jobs who only made Dragon Quest but with pornographic twists and turns) and a simple battle system that just clicks. And, they are so many variables to take notes on. All main characters (side notes: there’s 167 characters I’m not joking) have good and bad ends depending on your actions. I want to go back to this game one day and just make the absolute limit of a strategy to get as many of the good endings of characters as possible. Ah yeah. The sex. It’s fine. Not the best. Not the worst. I was kinda shocked that one of the women in the game had a dozen guys with blue, pink, green, whatever hair and I was like “oh zamn thats nice”.

Anyways, good game. And before anyone asks, no I'm not a Rance fan.

Astolfo is the hottest fictional character in the history of mankind. I wish femboys were real.

(Sadly, my original “overly sexual” review was deleted.)

Letting Eastern Europeans make video games was a massive mistake

This game is amazing. The massive battles are immersive. I really feel like I’m taking over a country. The generation system is interesting too. I saw so much story and character content yet I missed like 7/8 of it. I got a C Rank in this game and sadly didn’t see the A rank ending (though I could just watch it on YouTube but thats not fun). Maybe one day I’ll play again and aim for A Rank. I don’t care if it takes 100 or 200 hours to do.


It’s very obvious the creators of this game have never touched a woman in their life.

Jack Frost jacked you off. Share this to jack someone else off.

Remember when Blizzard got shit on for months without end for horrific sexual harassment and gender discrimination allegations? Because seems like everyone forgot.

Yeah it’s no Persona 2 but it’s definitely a game.