6 reviews liked by JackM9

This game pisses me off so much, it has some of the best pure action gameplay I've experienced in the medium, with beautiful graphics and a killer soundtrack.

THAT BEING SAID, it has so much wrong with it and for the first few hours I was hating on this game HARD; I still stand by a lot of those opinions which I want to go into below:

-The writing gets better as the game goes on, but those first few hours are actually insufferable, the plot in general is incredibly standard and by the books, it was fun to riff on with my brother but if I was playing this alone I think I would be skipping cutscenes. Its physical comedy is top notch but the actual joke writing is 80% miss and 20% hit (& that's being generous)

-The character design is generic at best and pretty damn uncomfortable at worst; Chai is about as forgettable a design this game could muster for a protagonist, 2 out of the 3 female characters wear denim booty shorts and the less said about Macaron the better. It's like the rejects of Overwatch.

-The pacing at which the game shows its full hand can be a bit off at times, not giving me a parry until a few missions in is an insane move!!! It's platforming is weak and I wish there was some better downtime other than what feels like the most base level busywork in-between fights.

And despite all of that, I can't bring myself to give it a lower score because the actual combat and flair this game has is just that good
The first impression it gives off is one of trying wayyyy too hard, and it absolutely does, but like the protagonist of the game itself, Hi-fi Rush wins over the player with it's nonstop energy and just plain good game-ing

A delightful surprise. I expected this game to bomb when it was first announced. Yet, it has surpassed my expectations (that were honestly lowered by the Avengers video game that came out a while back). Obviously it does not surpass Spider-Man PS4 though. Even so, it deserves praise for having fun and engaging gameplay with a classic soundtrack to back it up. The cast and banter between them is funny and charming. I actually liked them more here than their MCU counterpart. I usually don't comment on the graphics of a game, but I have to give credit where credit is due. Everything looked phenomenal. From the characters to the surrounding environment.

Although there were times where the chapter felt drawn out with fighting the same enemies over and over. The game would sometimes suffer frame drops on the PS5. I thought the ending felt a tad bit rushed and the final battle pretty disappointing. Cast aside these issues though and you'll find a great action adventure game worth playing through.

Big fan of the mgs series so their will be bias, if you're not a fan of cheesy action movie dialogue and convoluted plots this series might not be for you, and this entry in the series has some of the most lacking gameplay. However if you're a fan of stealth gameplay and you're willing to step into a meme filled fandom then it's best to start with the first game like intended. Would recommend to anyone but that's because I'm a big fan, great game to play with a friend and laugh at the plot with.

My favourite game of all time, that being said I can happily acknowledge this games glaring faults. The level of freedom, character customisation and role playing displayed in this game is the best in any rpg I've played, this open world "Bethesda" style game is the best of its kind because of the sidequests that differ from a lot of rpgs in the fact they have stories and choices resulting in different endings possibly affecting different factions. The faction and customization systems in the game are simple enough to understand and detailed enough to make role playing as a character feel incredibly natural and will make you want to play from start to end multiple times, if you can tolerate the gameplay. Like the other fallout games after fallout 2, new Vegas requires you to play in this buggy engine with terrible fps mechanics that feel weighty but also terribly unresponsive and the game looks ugly without any mods. Measuring out these pros and cons I'd recommend anyone to play the game for the tremendous pros but would understand if the negatives make it difficult to play.

This game is a unique and confusing game to review, a game that can be perceived as purposefully bad and a comment on society and where its heading it was incredibly thought provoking, however forcing someone to play an entire game for this message to reveal itself is too much to expect when the game plays like this, it's frustrating because it's paramount to the plot of the franchise and had the skeleton of a good sequel to mgs1 but this game is definitely the low point of the franchise, people can argue its brilliance but its a pain to play and the epilogue feels pretentious after playing a padded boring game. That being said there's some fun to be had from the normal metal gear wacky characters plot and 4th wall shattering moments.

The definitive metal gear experience for me, this game refined the gameplay of 1 and 2 adding mechanics that feel as though they were necessary from the beginning such as the excellent cqc system and the first person aiming from mgs2. Mgs3 is a great addition to the mgs plot and its internal story has the cheesy metal gear solid plot formula with a few twists and a more down to earth and sentimental message than metal gear solid 2. It's setting is stellar and it's main theme godlike definitely worth a play. Other than a few areas that feel tedious and controls that aren't quite perfect this game is a fantastic stealth game and ahead of its time on the ps2.