Full use of VR, absolute must play.

very weird, gameplay starts getting really good, and then the credits role... well damn I wish it wasn't over that fast.

Only fun with friends really and the VR is awful in a good way. But fun is fun.

I hear the next chapters were better but this one is just alright.

First time I put on the Vive and showed up in here I lost my mind. VR hits DIFFERENT.


Feels good to pull of some tricks, makes me wanna try it for real.


Its good, Ralsei kind of overrated but the team stuff is fun.

I don't like the fandom but after actually trying this and beating it. It moved me, I felt for these characters and its clear this game had tons of passion poured into it.

(music also slaps)

How to make a sequel, and man the physics in this game are fun.