A less interesting Black Flag. If Shay wasn’t such a good character this game would’ve been a chore to get through.

Improves on the original in every way. My only gripe with this game was the length, but otherwise perfect.

One of the best pieces of Spider-Man media. A little of the challenges in the DLC are annoying hence the half a star less, but a solid game nonetheless.

This game was okay. Bayek I didn’t really like but Aya was really interesting. I wish she was the player character. The desert parts of the map were really boring but I liked the DLC areas and the northern part.

Interesting story but frustrating stealth mechanics.

A good story and promising gameplay but belaid with bugs, fetch quests and just poor MMO-like features. The gear was extremely disappointing, but I’m hopeful for what BioWare has in store for “Anthem 2.0”, hopefully a FFXIV-style revival.

Great gameplay and really cool DLC added post launch but the game was dropped way too early and missing some vital features, like heroes and private matches.

A great story but repetitive, soulless multiplayer. The first DLC was amazing and I’m looking forward to see if that trend continues.

I really loved Kassandra but the open world was too big and boring. I finished the main story but not the side quests, or the fate of Atlantis DLC as that just didn’t grab my interest.

One of the best games in the series, it takes everything great about II, elevates it and then adds more greatness.

Wasnt as good as brotherhood in terms of story. Characters were fine, gameplay was about the same. Constantinople was an interesting location to explore.

The best of the modern RPG Assassins Creed games. Although buggy to start with, it was soon patched and really enjoyable. Eivor was a great character and they made the modern day storyline really enjoyable while setting up the future of the franchise. The open world was interesting, and not too big or empty.

Not my favourite in the series. Edward is fun but I hated the naval combat.

A really fun game! London is beautiful and the Victorian setting is really fun. Jacob and Evie have such a good dynamic and I love that you can play as both characters. the story was also really fun.