Might have been my fave game of last year. You really need to 100% it to get the full story, and some awesome developer content at the end which was so cool. Yeah, just a great open world game with beautiful graphics, nice gameplay, and an adult story with deep themes hiding behind the cute animal designs.

Went into this mostly blind (just knew it was a dark twist on the romance-em-up genre) and it was one of the craziest, most disturbing, and most awesome gaming experiences ive ever had. Never played a game like this before.

A super polished indie title that feels AAA quality. Story is good, characters are good, graphics are great. Gameplay is pretty fun, even if nothing particularly new or innovative. Controlling the rats is a fun unique mechanic that sets it apart.

Only quibble is that levels are a bit linear and the game is fairly short in length, with no replay value. Looking forward to playing the sequel.

About 8 hours in and pretty bored. Its a very kiddy game, nothing too challenging here, and the story feels like warmed up leftovers of a Ghibli film. Nothing new here, every single gameplay mechanic is recycled from a hundred games from the previous decade. Playable, but definitely nothing extraordinary.

Worth buying if you see it on sale.

Playing through again with the PS5 update. Gotta say the graphics aren't as amazing as I remember, and the combat is still a little clunky But at least its not a buggy unfinished mess like Cyberpunk.

Man, I forgot how good the quests are in this game, like every single quest is interesting in some way, and some are just fucking amazing, like the Baron of Blood/Crones storyline. That's why this is a masterpiece and not just another fetch/kill quest open world game.

Edit: Did I say its not buggy? LOL playing on PS5 and near the end of Novigrad section, game crashing like every 15 minutes, for all kinds of reasons: fast travel, transitions to cut scenes, buying stuff from stores, or just running down the street. Seems to be better now ive moved on to Skellige but Jesus it was almost unplayable. Seem to remember the same happening on PS4 as well. Dropped a star rating for that shit.

The greatest gaming deal in history. One of the best single player games of all time AND both DLC episodes AND one of the best multiplayer shooters of all time AND one of the most inventive clever puzzle games of all time. Also the last great hurrah for Valve before they became Steam and basically ruined PC gaming.

They could have included a trojan virus on the disc and it would still have been a great deal.

Greatest turn based strategy RPG of all time. Time played is in the hundreds if not thousands of hours. HOMM 2 was great, then they improved on everything from that game to create a perfect masterpiece.

What a great surprise this was, heard rave reviews when it came out on PC, so bought it as soon as it hit consoles and was not disappointed. Addictive, deep, tough but not too hard, great story....I loved all of it. What a weird brilliant little indie.

Only thing I didn't do was complete Kaycee Mod, which was just too grindy and frustrating. main game though was pretty much flawless.

Loved Spider-Man PS4, got the Plat and 100% all the DLC. This unfortunately was not as good. Its halfway between a full game and DLC, yet they're charging full price which is disappointing.

Gameplay: traversal around the city is still fun as hell, combat is tight and fast, still really enjoyable.

Story/characters: The problem is the story and the cheap filler side quests. Didn't like any of the characters....like ANY of them. They're all badly written Disney/CW characters. The story is stupid and poorly written. And short. The side quests are all boring fetch tasks that are sooo lazy and half assed and are there just fill the map and pad out the game length.

Graphics/Music: Its good looking game but not amazing. Music is forgettable.

Overall: its pretty much DLC, its pretty ballsy to pretend this is a full new game and charge accordingly. And the first games story and characters were just better across the board. Still fun gameplay and combat keeps you engaged til the end.

A great game but wasted potential, could have been as good as Witcher 3 with more time in development. But hey, they chose money over quality, so they released a buggy unfinished game. Im playing this on PS5 in 2022, and its still bugged and crashes sometimes. The stuff they did give us was pretty great, graphics range from breath-taking to ugly PS3 quality textures. Storywise, some parts were great, some quests felt really slapdash and unfinished. Some characters were great (Judy, Panam, Johnny) but most felt one dimensional and forgettable. The open world was fairly hollow, didn't really feel lived in or interactive most of the time. Way too much random crap in my inventory, none of which i ever used.

Sigh Hope the upcoming DLC is better.

Like the first GOW (PS4) I loved it when I was playing it, once the game was over though I almost completely forgot about it or had any desire to revisit it. Combat still great and intuitive, story is great (maybe even better than the first game), but general open world gameplay and side quests are all boring and feel very fillerish. I did everything but beat the valkyrie queen, but still felt a bit empty after it was all over, not quite satisfied enough. But its still a great AAA game, one of the best in recent years. Just wanted more innovation, not just a re-tread of the first game.