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Should’ve let AJ kill Lilly cause then James would still be alive 😔

Great game tho

I loved this tech demo showcasing the PlayStation family of consoles' history.

Actually pretty fun until you have to pay...

May pick this back up later but why is this shit so hard...

The story's not that great but I like the world and characters.

It's just a Mario Kart clone with DreamWorks characters. There's not much to it. Points off for the lack of Rise of the Guardians characters, tho.

I don’t even play the main story, i just go around causing mayhem

Whoever thought to add sliding block puzzles in this game needs to be fired

Loved the movie tho

The best mainline Mario game

Better than Spider-Man PS4 if I'm being honest

Not as active as I was when I was younger but it’s still a peaceful game I find myself going back to occasionally