Back in the day i didn't believe that this game has both Johto and Kanto, besides, Totodile best Water Starter.

Pokemon peak started here, being Emerald the best version of the three.

There's always gonna be something special about the OG Pokemon games, 5/5 all of them.

Back in the day i didn't believe that this game has both Johto and Kanto, besides, Totodile best Water Starter.

Definitely more challenging than the first one

There's always gonna be something special about the OG Pokemon games, 5/5 all of them.

The first cutscene with the wolfs still makes me sh*t my pants.

Peak action-adventure on ps2, the combat is amazing, the devil and equipment system make a great combination to the overall gameplay.

It's a ok fighting game for fan service.

Peak Castlevania right here ladys and gents.

Peak Castlevania right now in double.

Bioshock is a great franchise, unfortunately i didn't played this back when it released, this remasted had some problems at least on ps4, randomly crashes and bugged enemies.