Congrats to the developers of this remake for using the original game code. My only ick is that i miss the old and creepy artstyle.

This game has one of the best soundtracks for a racing game.

Fanservice turned base, if you're a fan you should try it.

Same as the Order of the Phoenix.

Peak Kingdom Hearts gameplay now in 1080p 60fps, this is the definite version of KH2 where some content was missing from the Japanese release.
The post game extra boss fights are the best this game has to offer.

In my opinion one of the most underrated Castlevania games, the duo party mechanic is amazing.

We dont talk about this game

Pokemon peak started here, being Emerald the best version of the three.

Pokemon peak started here, being Emerald the best version of the three, the extra content such as Deoxys and much more.

I like the Pikachu as a permanent partner, it came as compliment with the original Anime, the game basicaly follow the same plot.

Only negative point is that you can easily get lost in the dungeons and the quests are a bit all over the place.

Ngl this game is one of most influential games of all time.

Peak Kingdom Hearts gameplay, this is the definite version of KH2 where some content was missing from the Japanese release.
The post game extra boss fights are the best this game has to offer.

Peak Castlevania right now in double.