70 Reviews liked by Josue6412

what about bart and homer and marge and maggie and santas little helper?

a worse version of the original game filled with micro transactions. it could have been good were it not for EA.

Erases representation for the most oppressed minority: left handed people

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife

Tried to play this twice and got stuck in two different sections, decent enough game but I just don't have the patience to try and beat this again

Will try Black Mesa though

El único juego VR que querría volver a jugar en mi vida. Hay un asombroso entendimiento sobre las mecánicas que pueden ser únicas de jugar con una tecnología así. No puedes compararlo realmente con ningún otro FPS existente y eso emociona porque todavía podemos sorprendernos.

The episodes are just shorter burst of HL2 goodness which is a masterpiece in its own right. All 3 HL2 games are fantastic, just play them.

Many years later and somehow, the game still looks and feels incredible, only 6 years since HL1 released. Tons of things to mess around and fun scenarios for Valve to flex their Source engine's power.

Game released in 2004 and is still better than 99% of shooters released today

Skyward Sword on Wii was already one of my favorite games of all time. I now have no reason to ever touch it again.

Skyward Sword HD took a game that I loved despite its flaws and fixed everything I had an issue with. I've already done a lengthy review on the original game, so instead of repeating all of that, here are my impressions from the 39 hours I spent completing this remaster.

- Ghirahim is still my favorite Zelda villain. He's so deliciously camp.
- "Romance in the Air" might be the most beautiful bit of music in any Zelda game ever: https://youtu.be/T6x5bEr_UUU
- The resolution and buttery-smooth framerate take this game to a new level. I know Breath of the Wild 2 is gonna chug just like its predecessor, but it would be a TREAT to have all Zelda games in 60fps from now on.
- I still adore these motion controls. For whatever reason, they just click for me. Wish I could have 1:1 sword controls in every Zelda game, just like this one!
- The side characters are so good here. Meaningful, memorable interactions with NPCs make this such a fun world to be in.
- These are still some of my favorite Zelda dungeons, especially the ones in Lanayru.
- I really like returning to areas multiple times with different stuff going on. Seeing things change in an area is one of my favorite things in games, it makes the world feel more alive.
- I adore the Silent Realm challenges! A little bit of survival-horror in a Zelda game works really well. I recommend going for the difficult tears first just in case you get caught though, no need to ruin your whole run by saving the ones surrounded by floaty ghosts for last.
- Timeshift Stones are so rad.
- I liked the Demise fight much more this time than I did in 2011, but that might just be because I knew what to expect.
- I replayed BotW right before this, and that game really lacks an ending. In contrast, SS's ending is solid, probably right behind OoT.
- Fi is great, and it's much easier to appreciate her with the now toned-down number of interruptions.
- Bring back Scrapper!!
- My only real complaint is that I wish there were even more side quests, but if a game just makes me wish I could keep playing for longer, that's hardly a negative!

That was kind of word vomit, but I think that about covers everything. I love this game!

Ocarina of Time 3D manages to fix all the small nitpicks I've had with the N64 version (like having to constantly open the menu to equip the iron boots in the water temple) and is probably the best way to experience the game these days.

Not only was this the first Kirby game to ever keep my interest for more than an hour, it was so good that I 100%ed it!

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a delight. As someone who had spent very little time with Kirby in the past, it felt like someone added the Cappy mechanic (called Mouthful Mode here) from Super Mario Odyssey to levels from Super Mario 3D World. It's not open 3D levels like many of us thought when the game was first revealed, but these are some of the most enjoyable little linear levels I've played in ages. The world itself is such a lovely place to be, and the characters are obscenely adorable. The Spring Breeze difficulty is perfect for kids, and Wild Mode keeps things interesting enough for experienced players.

There's a surprising amount of challenge here! Rare Stones and Waddle Dees are hidden in each level, with some being quite tricky to find. Colosseum boss rush events can be legitimately hard, I actually had to drop my difficulty level down to Spring Breeze to beat the final one. The hardest difficulty of the Kirby Tilt 'n' Roll puzzles took me over an hour to complete. If you just want to roll credits, very few collectables or challenges are required, but I was able to 100% the game in just over 25 hours.

This is bizarre to me, but for the first time in my life I actually want to go back and try other Kirby games. They really got me this time!

Los mejores años de mi vida fueron jugando esta mierda RIP