After about 160 hours, I've finally completed The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! I'm sure there are a couple side quests I'm still going to go back for, but I have completely explored all three maps, fully upgraded both my Hero of Time/Aspect of the Hero armors.

Exploring this map was really like no other game before. Ultrahand, Ascend and Fuse provide a dramatic expansion to the already liberating Open-Hyrule from BoTW. Tears of the Kingdom is in a league of it's own when it comes to exploration and world density.

feel like I can truly say this is my favorite game of all time, finally dethroning Half-Life: Alyx, which ironically enough was the game that dethroned Breath of the Wild as my favorite game back then. 11/10, a true masterclass in open world design.

Aside from the open world being so excellent, all of the puzzles within the Shrines and Dungeons were fantastic and some of the Dungeons were phenomenal. Bringing this game closer to classic Zelda while still having open-ended dungeon design to suit the new era of Zelda.

While the story doesn't do anything spectacularly ground breaking, it's generally very fun to watch and engaging enough. It's also helped by pretty frequently beautiful cinematography accompanied by a powerful score. Overall this isn't the best story in a Zelda, but it's up there

Game feels trapped within the Bethesda RPG box while also being behind pretty every other space sim on the market. Outer Wilds, No Man's Sky, Elite Dangerous and hell even Ubisoft's shitty Starlink have better feeling space exploration. The game constantly breaks your immersion by forcing you to fast travel anytime you need to go anywhere. At least in Skyrim and Fallout 3/4 you could actually just go places by walking or horse. There are no vehicles for traversal, there is no map to guide yourself and learn your environment, the gunplay feels worse than pretty much every AAA shooter on the market and the NPC and character animations are laughable. Sure, the game is fucking massive, but this game would have been much better had it been a lot smaller.

Before I had finished the game, I rated it a 4.5. Once I completed it, I had to push it to a perfect score. Once you complete the main story, the game expands in a way I really did not expect. Fans of Pikmin 1 will be very pleased as well as completionists will be met with the hardest content the game has to offer. This truly is the best Pikmin game and one of the greatest Nintendo games ever published.

I'm speechless. This is the the Half-Life game we all deserve for waiting this long.

11/10 , better than HL2

Edit after 100+ hours of game-time and a plethora of mods:

While I suspected the hype was what had me saying it was better than HL2, after months of constant replays and countless custom maps; I truly stand by my statement. This game just FEELS amazing. it's unexplainable, but the responsiveness of the mechanics, paired with the amazing music and visuals, create the MOST immersive form of media I've ever consumed.

Seriously one of the best FPS games that I have ever played. Incredible fluid and smooth gunplay with a variety of enemy types that keep the game feeling like a bullet hell/fps hybrid makes the game feel so damn responsive and gratifying. There is a very large skill ceiling here for those who really want to push difficulty and score, and trust me, that ♥♥♥♥ is fun as ♥♥♥♥. Let us not forget about the music. Whoever composed this game, needs head bro because every single song that played during gameplay was not only amazing and varied, but it lent to the themes of the levels and battles in a way that helps the game become even more immersive.

A solid and easy 10/10. If you like Turok, Half-Life, Quake, Doom, Wolfenstein and Amid Evil, you will ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love this game.

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