Only game you can play as a full set of Jojo stands as powerups

3 Houses is probably the best FE to date, in thecnical and QoL terms. Also, it has a great worldbuilding, Fodlan is such a live world with lots of lore and history. The characters all have great personalities and goals, and the multiple routes system puts 4 games inside just one. Even if it is a game that looks not great in the Switch, Inteligent Systems could very well have its magnum opus here. I hope they did not set the barr to high for future fire emblem games. Probably my favorite game of 2019.

The best Kirby game, that came in Nintendo's worst time. I loved everything in this game, it is packed with content and the new powerups and mechs are just amazing. It finished the 3DS duology very well, and i just loved it.

My internet died out last night, and i went through the SNES Online library on the Switch finding this game.
Its really weird and its aesthetic attracted me, so i played it back to back and...
Its fun, the gameplay def has some problems, but the game also features very interesting design ideas for its time, like the lack of life system and fair checkpoints. Sadly we could have better levels and more variety in weapons, but so far so good.

Cute game, with a message about kindness and love. Its free, so give it a chance.

Nocturne is still one of the best JRPGs of all time, and is an eternal classic. It is very hard for me to convey how much i love this game, but i really like the way it treats the topic of free will and choices in our lifes. Its a dense and well crafted art piece, and every RPG fan should give it a try!
>About the port:
A pretty ok port, the ratio on the cutscenes is unforgivable, but overall it gets the job done. Bad price tho.

Played this back in 2018, i loved how challenging and creative this game is sometimes. The true start for Kirby

MGR is a god-like action game, packed with over the top shit and excelent level design, mechanics and combat sequences. Each boss is memorable and enjoyable, and really is a prime hack n slash game. My biggest issue with the game was some of the quick action events, but all and all is a solid game. Also, it has great characters and plot, even if exagerated. Give it a chance if you can.

It is curious how i love the DK Wii game, and Wii U game, but never played the OG.
I did not finished bc i dont have the time rn, its just a cool and neat game. Knowing the history behind its development makes it funnier!

Loved the comeback for the gameboy, the animal friends are a great gimmick and this one has the most memorable boss fights for me from the original ones.

This game is really bad. Driving makes me crazy, the dialogues are weird (tho then touch on very interesting topics) and non natural. Characters are also weird and dull. I got this for free, i would not recommend.

basic level design, it relies on its aesthetic too much

Such an unique and powerfull masterpiece. Its hard to put on words, but this game is pure art, and it does the best with the few it proposes.

This game is just not good. Which is sad because i WANTED to like it. CD has a charm that few Sonic games have, it is just wonderfull.
At the same time, the level design is terrible. The time travel mechanic is nice, but you cant fucking use it because the way levels are constructed are shit, is hard to run for the time required to do the jump. Also, the powerup, obstacle and enemy placement is just terrible. And this game is not hard as everyone here says, it is just poorly designed.
Also, the americans fucked the music. They always HAVE to fuck something.

Oh and the Steam port is pretty amazing, tons of content and runs perfectly. If you want to play it, play this port.

This game is an very specific art piece. Its themes stay relevant even 10 years after its original release, and i loved the plot and characters. I really love how much the critiques to human society are constructed in this game. The dungeons are nice, and fun. I just miss the press turn, and the music (tho very good) is not my thing.
This game is iconic for the Megami Tensei franchise, and it is a must play for anyone interested on it.