This game literally killed the franchise. F*** autolock.

Please play Breaker 3 if you know whats good for you.

This is the worst Pokémon game i ever played.
The game has 0 factors that can make a player bound to it. Pokémon are treated like disposable trash here, even if the message of the franchise is to bond and be friends with them.

One of my favorites JRPG of the last generation, SMT IV maintains all the essence of a SMT game, but sadly its not as experimental as the early entries in the series.
This did not hurt me, the game is really great, specially the combat and dungeons.

A fine game.
It has a nice gameplay, but it does not try anything unique. Sometimes i feel as im just a passerby watching a movie. Its a totally waste of the videogame medium as a whole for me, but wathever.

note that, i dont like puzzle games but Catherine literally made me like its puzzles because i was too fixed on the plot
I played it with my fiancee, and it could not have been a more powerfull experience.
Catherine touches on real problems adult people have, while keeping that supernatural vibe Atlus always gives us. Its such a nice work, id love to see more titles like this.

Literally my best RPG experience on the 3DS. The game is very well designed, the quests are nice, and the robot customization is just chef's kiss.
My biggest problem with this game is the actuall storyline, which takes itself too seriously.

Truly an unfinished game, with lots of bugs and technical issues. Keep in mind, i played it on launch and most of those issues are well fixed on the latest patches. The game now runs fine, and its totally playable.
Otherwise, the game is a fine action open world game, it lacks the RPG sense, but the plot, characters and the amazing Night City totally compensate.
Sadly the game has estructural problems. The combat is fine, but lacks luster. The questlines are good, but it all boils down to the lackluster action.
its a nice game, but its hard to see where this was going to be as breathtaking as CDPR convinced us all these years.

Probably the weakest Persona entry, but a great JRPG overall. Its systems are really improved upon P3, it has great characters and great social links, but the plot is a bit too colored for my tastes. To the point the relationships of the characters feel too artificial. Still, a great game and Golden has the best content by far.

Looking back at it, Night in The Woods really got me because it speaks to my demograph, and the plot is very solid and unique. The artstyle hold it up well, and i think it has a nice lenght overall. I think it could have more rythm minigames.

My favorite 3D platformer. The gameplay is smooth and comfortable, the level design is amazing, the soundtrack is great. You should play it right now!


This game kinda surprised me, becuase the first time i ever saw it i did not give a shit, but sitting to play it i had a great time. The level design and gameplay are great, its a great way to translate Doom into the current times.

My favorite game of all time. I simply can say enough words on how i love this game so much, and how it played an important part on a very happy time of my life.
Its not flawless by any means, but it reaches an very particular spot for me, on which he comes very close to perfection.
Its a great JRPG, with a great plot and characters. The combat is fun and very good, and the aesthetics are just gorgeous.
Please try it!

An incredible powerfull experience. The gameplay is not that great, but the game is really unique and beautifull.

Nocturne is a true masterpiece. It achieves the peak on what a game can do with the medium it is in.
The difficulty and level design are opressing, but in a good way, to make you feel in a desolate and desperate world.
Without spoiling too much, Nocturne is a game about ideology, and finding your purpose. The message its great, specially in the Neutral or True Demon Ending. I cant recommend it enough to everyone that loves videogames and JRPGS.