This game literally killed the franchise. F*** autolock.

Please play Breaker 3 if you know whats good for you.

This the pinacle of fiction and interactive media.

Jokes aside, it is such a genius concept, really. Its a shame that this game is an exclusive of the Nintendo Switch online, which by itself is a shitty service.

Looking back at it, Night in The Woods really got me because it speaks to my demograph, and the plot is very solid and unique. The artstyle hold it up well, and i think it has a nice lenght overall. I think it could have more rythm minigames.

This game is unique, charming and very entertaining. Sadly it suffers from a severe lack of budget, yet the love they put through this game is enormous. Give it a chance if you like JRPGs and Monster Collectors.

Oh and... its better than Pokémon, sorry ;)

Dark Souls is a very important game to me.
I first started it in a period of my life of very uncertainty, and i ended up loving every second, explorind every nook and cranny, aiming for all achievments, experimenting with builds. Today, i know this game in all its corners, all its errors and right choices. Even if its imperfect, is one of my most influential and important games.
I do think it expresses itself perfectly, even if as a game it is not perfect. Its a great experience, and you should play it.

eh, the combat is really great, the plot is really bad and the characters already worn out after 5 fucking years of them being masturbated by Atlus. And even if the gameplay is somewhat good, the plot keeps draging and going, and going. In the end you gotta read 2 hours of text to get to the real meat, and the text is not even interesting.

This game is unique, and reaches a very unique niche. Its basically a Vpet simulator without the Vpet crap, in the sense you can skip time and go into battles with NPCs and clear tournaments. The best thing in this game tho is that the roster is basically the Vpet roster but way better, and the actual physical game came with an adapter to conect and battle with Vpet, which are compatible with it to this day. A truly unique gem.

This is a game that values imersion more than polishing its mechanics. It can be good, and absolutely is what kept me invested, even if it is a grind mess. But it also can shy away any newcommer which makes this game very difficulty to recommend.
The combat is great, and evolved everything in the series so far. At the same time, navigating through the evolution lines never been so grindy, and it lacks some good content from its predecessor.
Even so, the exploration and open world still feels great, the sense of adventure N.O transmits is unique in many ways. It also has a problem with its rosters, having too much recolors, but overall it has the most unique monsters, and some unlockable beating certain quests!
One of the most unique and my favorite PS4 exclusive, give it a try if you love Digimon or monster games.

NOTE: Play it on easy mode, the difficulty setting is broken, and easy is actually the normal difficulty in this game, which overall only asks less grinding as the biggest difference, the fights stay the same. Do yourself this favor.

A great DLC! Loved how the world is built to explore and have fun looking for the time pieces. I loved how the metro is designed with natural transitions, so we feel more free to roam, without that way to separate the level into acts. I hope a sequel follows this idea.

A fine game.
It has a nice gameplay, but it does not try anything unique. Sometimes i feel as im just a passerby watching a movie. Its a totally waste of the videogame medium as a whole for me, but wathever.

I loved this game, and it is a trip down the memory lane for the Souls Series. Sadly i had to put it down, bc i had to pass over my PS3.Still wanna play it again tho.