This the pinacle of fiction and interactive media.

Jokes aside, it is such a genius concept, really. Its a shame that this game is an exclusive of the Nintendo Switch online, which by itself is a shitty service.

It is curious how i love the DK Wii game, and Wii U game, but never played the OG.
I did not finished bc i dont have the time rn, its just a cool and neat game. Knowing the history behind its development makes it funnier!

Nocturne is still one of the best JRPGs of all time, and is an eternal classic. It is very hard for me to convey how much i love this game, but i really like the way it treats the topic of free will and choices in our lifes. Its a dense and well crafted art piece, and every RPG fan should give it a try!
>About the port:
A pretty ok port, the ratio on the cutscenes is unforgivable, but overall it gets the job done. Bad price tho.

The hardest Shin Megami Tensei ive ever played...

Jokes aside, its a great game with platform and puzzle elements to take your time solving. I loved to play it during work.

This game is way greater than i expected. It lacks polishment on many instances, but overall it is a great experience, the writting is great, the combat is not so bad and the Demon A.I is surprisingly functional.
I loved the atmosphere, plot and characters and it was a blast. There are some low points, like the early dungeons and the terrible random encounters, but Raidou is still a great gme that you should play.

MGR is a god-like action game, packed with over the top shit and excelent level design, mechanics and combat sequences. Each boss is memorable and enjoyable, and really is a prime hack n slash game. My biggest issue with the game was some of the quick action events, but all and all is a solid game. Also, it has great characters and plot, even if exagerated. Give it a chance if you can.

sadly i can not review this game, i did no finished it. This is just my first impressions.

This game has a unique theme, and i really respect that. I just could not like the first dungeon, which made me just quit the game before 10 hours. The combat is creative and fun, the idea of a game about Chopin is great, but the history is so weird that some times i was suffering in the dungeon because it sucked, and i asked myself ''why are this characters even doing this? What is their ambition?'' When i could not answer this question, i just shelved it. I will return to it later on.
Tho it is a very fine game! And a good RPG by all means.

A pretty unique and fun little gem from the PS3. It clearly lacks polishment, but it works very well as a concept game. The survival mode is great, and there's a lot of characters to unlock, each being more interesting the least. Its fun to try to get better with underated animals such weak bunnies, in a city full of giant predators like lions, tigers and even dinosaurs.
My biggest downsides with the game were the lack of special abilities in each animal, which would make them more enjoyable. Also, while the story mode is very interesting and has some nice unlockables, sadly it is very rushed and i did not enjoyed it at all.
Anyways, this is a PS3 gem, and everyone should take a look!

This is not just an amazing experience from the artistic point of view, but it also makes me wonder how easy people sympathize with characters, because wayne's gang are literally incomprehensible beings and theres still a lot of fan art out there.

Its been 4 years and i still can't express enough how this game is amazing. I play through it every once in a while, and the DLC just made it better.
As someone tht grew up with Sonic, this game deserves all its praise.

One of my favorite games to spend hours on end, it improves on everything the citysim genre had to offer.
Its hard without being punitive, its detailed, and inviting.

An emotional and strong tale about loliness, death, survival and bonding with other human beings. You totally need to give it a try.

This game is painfull. Terrible level design, and its just a playable boomerposting. Its so terrible that i got fever from it, because my immune system was activated by it
This dudes even say on loading screens ''Oh if this game was on a cartridge, it would load faster.''
No, you freaking boomer, just optmize it. For god's sake this is terrible.

Im sad because i wanted to like this game, but the combat system just sucks. Whats the point to make every fight unfair, because the enemies always have access to passive skills, buffs and debuffs, that we can never use?
Iam afraid the developers did not understood what makes a good turn based, and i ended up just abandoning it.
The plot is actually pretty nice tho.

A great RPG, with great chracters and story. The final fight against Arkadimon is one of my favorte gaming moments.
The worst part of the game for me was the dungeon design which was very poor, but this title has more soul poured into it than any of the last 3 gens of Pokémon. You should give it a try, but play Cyber Sleuth first. Try the Complete Edition!
I know you will love it.