It has very cool cinematic moments, but also plenty of cheesy ones. The action and combat are very fun and fluid, but gets kinda monotonous by the end of the game
But here's my real take on Spider-Man 2:
I bought this game the same day I bought Alan Wake 2. I had planned on playing through them simultaneously, switching between games every now and then. I started with Spider-Man. Played it for a few hours a couple of times and had good fun. Then I started Alan Wake. Played that for a few hours once. Then played it again the next day and could not put it down. Had one of those "Holy shit, it's 3AM" kind of gaming nights.
I then go back to Spider-Man. And after not even 30 minutes... I was bored out of my mind. It was so ordinary, so normal. Where were the live action cut scenes? Were was the playable rock opera? A film within the game? Finnish janitors who can transcend time, space and dreams? Alan Wake 2 was so fascinatingly insane it had warped my perception of all other video games going forward.
I ended up finishing Alan Wake 2 before I even picked up Spider-Man 2 again. And once I finished Alan Wake, I immediately started a NG+. I eventually finished Spider-Man about 2 months after I got it. A game that most people I know finished in about 2 days.
And that was my real take on Alan Wake 2.

The RE4 Remake is very excellent and super fun to play just like the original, but with vastly improved controls and quality of life additions. HOWEVER! There is one reason why this game will not possibly top the original and anyone who says it does cannot be trusted.
In this game the Knife, the best weapon in the original, has DURABILITY and can BREAK. The way I play Resident Evil 4 was shoot a zombie in the face, kick it to the ground, slash em to death before it they get back up. Rinse and repeat all day. Don't need to worry bout bullets when you got a knife.
But in this game? You stab like 5 zombies and blam, the knife breaks. How do you fix the broken knife? Pay the merchant. I swear 90% of the pesos I spent in my first playthrough was on knife repair. My guns were trash all game cause I neeeeed that knife and I'm saving up the rest of those pesetas for rocket launchers babay. Sure, you can pick up kitchen knives here and there, but those suckers break after like 2 zombies. They did add parrying with the knife, which is awesome, but it takes off several times more durability than stabbing, just to irk me even more.
Weapon durability is the weakest ass mechanic in video games. I hope I've accurately displayed my frustration with its inclusion in the RE4 remake. And oh yeah, the Merchant has a different voice and doesn't say "Whaddya buyin?" anymore. So basically Capcom ruined the two best things about Resident Evil 4. I'll never forgive them.

The original Backyard Baseball is an all timer without question. But the 2001 edition is the best version of the game. Not just for adding kid versions of MLB players but most of all for increasing the stats to amounts out of 10. Which makes just about every kid playable somewhere in the lineup, rather than just whoever gets Pablo Sanchez wins.
And some of the MLB players have hilarious stats if you actually followed baseball in the 90s. Frank Thomas, who hit 521 home runs and never pitched an inning in his life, has a 7 in batting but a 10 in pitching. Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson both have the same batting stat as future hall of famer Carlos Beltran. As well as Alex Gonzalez. Oh yeah, Alex Gonzalez is the Marlins representative in this game and I'm actually not 100% sure which Alex Gonzalez it's supposed to be.

Robot Ron! Save the last human family!

Hot take- Hangtime was far superior to NBA Jam. I feel like Jam gets boosted by nostalgia glasses, but Hangtime does everything Jam does but better. More NBA players, deeper attributes, a better soundtrack and creatable players. You could create a character named Large Marge. Laaaaarrrrge Marge from downtown!

Not my thing. Sorry, kids.

I am very aware that I've sunk more hours into this game than I have probably done anything else in my life. And I don't even like it that much. I just played it for an hour before bed last night. I'll give it up for years just to crawl back to it like a fiend. Please help.

I mean I'm not quite finished playing, but come on. We all know it's 5 stars. You can fuck a bear, two different devils and a squid. You can fuck anything.

Greatest video game of all time. It keeps my pimp hand strong. The end.