Unique, short piece of art with astonishing visuals and simple, universal message. Basically as perfect, as it can get.

Koyanisqatsi of the video games.

Its impact on culture and gaming is so significant, that I dont think any rating could suffice. The only other game that transcends the medium as much as this is Tetris. Minecraft is a blank page, but for me it was always one of the most fun experiences.

Hearts of Stone fixes everything that was wrong with Sapkowski's books and Wild Hunt main story. In 8 hours, CD Project RED managed to perfect the vision of The Witcher, adding a heavy Polish flavour of inspiration by Faust and Mr. Twardowski and the greatest antagonist this series ever seen.

It is probably the best constructed plot in history of video games. Everything about it from writing perspective is spectacularly well executed. Story, pacing, tension, the drama, cutscenes, dialogues, acting and voice acting, plot twists - its peak action. Get ready for 30 hours of sitting in constant tension.

Game so good, that it killed entire psychological horror genre. Storywise, they had one shot and they did it. There will be no game like it anymore. It doesnt glamorise trauma and mental illness, and the fact that you still hear about its mythology and little nuances after 20 years speaks for itself.

Absolutely mind-melting. Kojima as a writer was ahead of his time and he cemented that status by making probably the most profound game of his time.

That game was designed with kids around the world (often without knowledge of english language) in mind that werent that sharp in understanding how to play video games and especially, how to complete them. It IS a flawed game with broken mechanics, but the music, aesthetics, and fun character animations are worth playing the game if you are fan of the series. Also - the way the unlockables, and by these I mean levels, abillities and unlocking Pirakas is constructed, this game in 2006 encouraged you to passionately complete it in 100%, which for kid I was back then, that was pretty fucking awesome.

Gdyby ta gra była koniem, trzeba byłoby ją zastrzelić

I like bosses, Mayday and Zuke. But this game is so fucking millennial, I hate it. The absolute worst is moralistic, even pretentious at some point way the game presents itself.

Interesting, but also not overambitious concept, good writing and abstract visuals carry this short, 15 minute experience. Main character is very likeable, which made this game pleasure to play.

I remember time when I was little kid and played this on my sister's Wii. It was my favourite SSB both gameplay-wise and aestheticaly. Very memorable and I even liked the story mode.

Skyrim is just boring and cliché. Theres not much to do there and my rating is so low, because I was stupid enough to waste 30 hours for this game, only to realize that everything I do is just pointless, and nothing really interests me in this world. Its just baffling how overrated and overhyped this game is.

I didnt complete it, but it was fun time playing co-op with my best friend. The game itself wasnt engaging enough to delve deeper into it tho.

Much more advanced than the previous one, but much less scary. I find both games almost equal, because this game delves much deeper into the topic.

Mindblowing trans-humanist piece of media.