Frog detective is a nice little inoffensive game with a surprising amount of witty humour and absurd jokes. The game was just long enough for what it was trying to accomplish and a perfect between game meal to digest.

Normally I do not gravitate to multiplayer experiences. 40K however was the perfect mix of tactical comms and mindless fun. Yes the missions can get repetitive but the enjoyment factor of viciously ripping hordes of enemies to shreds with close friends outweighs. Graphics are great and the lore is interesting. A job well done.

As far as remasters go, this one is top tier. The graphics are gorgeous, with beautiful lighting to match such dark undertones. The added voice acting of Isaac are a must. A must for horror fans.

For some reason I have played majority of the transformer games (recently too) and this has to be the best one so far. Story is obsolete but is not needed due to its simple yet fun gameplay. Achievements are linked to in game challenges which is a refreshing change. The game does not overstay its welcome and helps break the repetition with a large roster of characters, abilities and hacks to use.

Starts off strong with nods to donkey kong country. Unfortunately once I realised I needed to replay each level via time trial or cataclysm mode it went downhill. The levels are not long so if not done the game was very short (3 - 4 hours). A cute art style lacking charm, repetitive music and unresponsive controls at times. I was happy with my time overall but towards the end I could not stomach a 100% completion.

A beautifully gruesome experience with great acting and an intriguing enough story. Was long enough to not overstay its welcome.

A soulless pay to win that is somehow the slowest feeling kart racer in the business. Characters are purposely hard to use and unlock making it essential to spend your hard earned money. The only redeeming quality was the fun I had in the multiplayer as it increased the carnage and split second differences over the finish line.

Another great game from the creators of limbo and inside. Takes a fresh approach on the puzzle genre, with jumping through orb like portals to other worlds making interesting adventure. Towards the end I did find some puzzles a bit challenging for my mushy brain.

I didn’t expect much when I found this game in the bargain bin. What a got was an engaging story of 2 soldiers destined to meet during the war. Simple gameplay made following these 2 characters the main focus (which is a good thing). At first the water colour art style was a set back, evolving into one of my favourite parts of the game. Worth the play for sure.

A friend asked me to pick this up with him on gamespass as the sequel was just released. I am so glad I did as this was just pure coop fun. A souls like game focussing on 3rd person shooting is a breath of fresh air. Not overly long but the grind is there if needed. A must play for fans wanted a new take on the overly saturated genre.

Such potential. Playing this game, my score made a steady decline. After the first mission I loved the act of mopping up side missions and collectibles, bringing colour to the world. Then came the repetition, crashes, glitches and god awful checkpoints that lacked sense. Once I reached credits I was well and truly done.

Fun little hidden game reminiscent of flash games from the past. Graphics are cute and detailed with a nice hand drawn feel. The colourisation of locations once all cats are found was a great little feature. Was a very relaxing and easy 100%

A great souls like game, maybe even the best adaptation. While I respect what they have done the game was too hard for little old me. Which is a shame, as the games setting and theme is incredible. Happy I gave it the college try.


A hour long experience that somehow made me feel things. Maybe it’s because it was 11:00pm but it did draw out watery eyes.

A welcome return so some of the older foundations that formed the AC formula. The game is beautiful and the world dense with detail. Unfortunate that the story and setting was forgettable. I do miss templars and assassins over the ‘masked ones’ and ‘hidden ones’. All this game does is make me more excited for the next. Overall this was a nice start in the right direction.