Like most of Super Massive games. A very fun choice base horror story. Graphics are fantastic with a good portion of well performed characters. In saying that, the game is let down with walking section filler, a very slow start, and some very poor voice acting mixed with the worst horror movie tropes.

Didn’t expect much from a phone port to Xbox but damn this was bad. Shouldn’t even be in the racing genre. More or less a pay to win on rails racer.

What a hair pull. A bland action/parkour adventure with god awful story, controls, movement and vehicle combat. The combat outside of the tanks can be somewhat fun but everything else drags this game through the mud.

A very hard score to give. Diablo 3 is one of my favourite games so after playing this it just makes me want to return to the past. With lacking set pieces, boring bosses and a stale open world, this sequel left me wanting more. In saying this the graphics and gameplay are at its peak so atleast it was a fun little romp.

Cute & simple puzzle game that is able to tell a sad story in a short amount of time. Drawn art style and reoccurring music helps in its beautiful simplicity.

Repetitive dungeon crawler with nothing in between. Dead community making solo play a drag.

A refreshing take on the onslaught of decision narrative games thrown at us over the years. With an interesting art style (takes some getting used to) and decisions that matter, this makes the take on the genre a welcome one.

Campy dialogue and stylish cutscenes make the story a blast to watch unfold. Unfortunately let down by its average gameplay that gets a bit repetitive for its 20 missions. This game would have been a great back in 2010.

A shallow clone of the great Mario party. With repetition galore and borderline scary sounds and character models. The easy 1000g and laughs warrant the half star.


Relaxing little indie game with cute hand drawn look. Little collectathon that didn’t overstay it’s welcome.

This game is nasty. Characters are stupid looking. Graphics are gross. Dialogue atrocious. I don’t know how it was so fun for the 12hrs I put in.

Normally I do not gravitate to multiplayer experiences. 40K however was the perfect mix of tactical comms and mindless fun. Yes the missions can get repetitive but the enjoyment factor of viciously ripping hordes of enemies to shreds with close friends outweighs. Graphics are great and the lore is interesting. A job well done.

As far as remasters go, this one is top tier. The graphics are gorgeous, with beautiful lighting to match such dark undertones. The added voice acting of Isaac are a must. A must for horror fans.

A beautifully gruesome experience with great acting and an intriguing enough story. Was long enough to not overstay its welcome.

Another great game from the creators of limbo and inside. Takes a fresh approach on the puzzle genre, with jumping through orb like portals to other worlds making interesting adventure. Towards the end I did find some puzzles a bit challenging for my mushy brain.