Like most of Super Massive games. A very fun choice base horror story. Graphics are fantastic with a good portion of well performed characters. In saying that, the game is let down with walking section filler, a very slow start, and some very poor voice acting mixed with the worst horror movie tropes.

Played 4 games total. 3 with bots and one with actual players (took ages to find and the players were so high level). Dead game with terrible controls, small maps and eye watering action that leaves you confused. Maybe if I could find a game I could get better and provide a more positive review.

A solid JRPG with some amazing music and set pieces. The graphics are very pleasing on the eye with very solid character and enemy design. The combat can get repetitive in its nearly 30hr campaign.

This is a sad one. A shallow husk of a game compared to its predecessor. Very poor matchmaking, unrewarding levelling (character and guns) and stale missions. Thank god for gamepass.

Better than the first in nearly every way. A story worthy enough for a zombie melee with great voice acting and engaging gameplay. The parkour can feel a bit clunky at times and I do prefer the map of the first dying light but in all a great experience.

A surprisingly fun time with friends. I enjoyed a lot more than Dead by Daylight although there were some hiccups. The levelling up is unforgiving, taking way too long to progress both survivors and the family members. Not online servers in the Oceania region so game can be quite ruthless with long wait times and kicks due to being part of the American servers. Again with all its faults, I still had a great time.

Like souls like games. I have trouble with the monster hunter genre due to the grind and difficulty. Wild Hearts was no stranger to this. Very hard with way to much grinding. The monsters were unforgiving with crazy attack damage/speed and windows to deal damage being so short. The only reason for the 2 stars is the fun I had playing with randoms online. Lastly the graphics are nasty for a series x title.

Another shallow platformer more akin to Super Lucky’s Tale than Super Mario. Terrible voice acting delivery, boring levels and bad enemy designs. Controls were smooth when responsive and the music was tolerable when it worked. I do hope the originals were more enjoyable than this.

I love the forza horizon series. This however is a step back. Too many menus, not enough maps, no music and a buggy mess. the nail in the coffin was the infinite load times that would delete progress due to a forced dashboard reset. The cars themselves sound amazing and the graphics are unmatched. Other than that I will wait for a better racer.

For an idle game this has to be one of the more interesting. They introduce a card system with levelling which really changes the mind numbing task that is idleing. That said it’s probably the easiest 2000 gamescore around.

A welcome return so some of the older foundations that formed the AC formula. The game is beautiful and the world dense with detail. Unfortunate that the story and setting was forgettable. I do miss templars and assassins over the ‘masked ones’ and ‘hidden ones’. All this game does is make me more excited for the next. Overall this was a nice start in the right direction.

Fun little hidden game reminiscent of flash games from the past. Graphics are cute and detailed with a nice hand drawn feel. The colourisation of locations once all cats are found was a great little feature. Was a very relaxing and easy 100%

Another great game from the creators of limbo and inside. Takes a fresh approach on the puzzle genre, with jumping through orb like portals to other worlds making interesting adventure. Towards the end I did find some puzzles a bit challenging for my mushy brain.

As far as remasters go, this one is top tier. The graphics are gorgeous, with beautiful lighting to match such dark undertones. The added voice acting of Isaac are a must. A must for horror fans.

Normally I do not gravitate to multiplayer experiences. 40K however was the perfect mix of tactical comms and mindless fun. Yes the missions can get repetitive but the enjoyment factor of viciously ripping hordes of enemies to shreds with close friends outweighs. Graphics are great and the lore is interesting. A job well done.