One of the most concise and quality game trilogies I've ever played. This collection is definitely worth it. These games hold a ton of personality and you'll fall in love with the characters, setting and gameplay.

Really enjoyed what I played but for some reason I stopped after defeating the 3rd divine beast.

Very high quality and well made collection. Played the first two games included so far. More of the same great gameplay and characters. One of the most consistent game series' I've ever played.

Didn't expect much going into this game because I'd never played a Metroidvania before. Ended up being one of my all time favorite. Please play this game.

Excellent next entry in the Under Night In-Birth series. Only complaint is that the PC port was broken at launch.

A master class in platforming level design. For a long time this was my favorite game ever.

One of the best Sonic games out there and for a long time was my favorite in the series. Still top 2. Extremely fun from start to finish. Just has some jank in there that's a given with older games like this. That makes it even more fun for speedrunning though.

The breath of fresh air the 3D Sonic franchise needed. An amazing evolution of the formula and one of the most fun games I've ever played. ESPECIALLY with all the updates. My only big complaint was the ending, and now that Final Horizons is out that complaint is gone.

Masterful collection. By far the best official way to play these classic games.

Ok now hear me out lol. Despite all the problems, I love this game to death. Ironically those problems are what makes it one of the most fun Sonic games to play. Messing around is incredibly satisfying. Not to mention this game has some of the best level design in the series. Is the game bad? Yes, absolutely. But it is also extraordinarily fun if you go in knowing what to expect.

Reinvigorated my love for SAO. Gameplay can be repetitive but overall I still thought it was very enjoyable.

My favorite 2D Sonic game ever and it is not even close.

It's an ok 2D Sonic game. But for the price it's at I don't think it's worth it at all. Especially considering Mania Plus is $25 max. This was probably my most dissapointing game of 2023.

Excellent fighting game. One of the most fun out there. My favorite game of all time.

Most content rich game I've ever played. You will never get bored.