It's if Ubisoft made Mafia an yearly franchise


This game can rip and tear my ass up it's that good. Not favorite game good but good enough to the point where I can say that.
[Beat on Ultra-Violence]

This is and probably forever will be my favorite fighting game. It looks, sounds, feels, plays, absolutely amazing. I don't think any fighting game (maybe UMVC3) will ever be as good as Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

This is my first NES game on an NES Console, so I'm legally allowed to say this game is actually suprisingly fun. Not as good as the Genesis version, but nothing is better than the Genesis version

Remember when Kojima said, "fuck you you're playing Raiden"?

This game feels like it had the budget of 30 cents and a piece of paper

The Tony Hawk game that let you off the board is also one of the greatest Tony Hawk games

Undertale if it was even more based than it already is

I remember being scared at this game as a kid. Right now, I'm not scared but it's still ugly as fuck

I can beat up every fucking Pokemon in this game with my bare hands. It would take a couple tries but I guarantee I can do it

My disc won't allow me to save but the first five minutes show a pretty good game

The story literally is just Kingdom Hearts

It's cool in concept, but the game just doesn't hold it up