22 reviews liked by KafkaTamura

It’s bad but it triggers my nostalgia like a fucking rocket launcher

This game was made for a very specific kind of person, if that's you, you will adore this game, most people will probably hate it.

I'm one of those people that really enjoys this game despite it's faults. The story is near non-existent, the voice acting is possibly the worst I've heard in a game, the camera is uncontrollable and clips into the ground or nearbly walls, the key to winning is circle-strafe and hold shoot for most of the game, you do battles over and over until the game ends.

Does that sound fun? I am making this sound like trash, but thankfully there's more to this game

You can play as over 100 different characters, and there's a lot of variety, lots of them play completely differently, a lot of the enjoyment of the game comes from building a team of varied bots and surviving waves of enemies, the sheer number of varied playstyles and possible team combinations keeps the game from getting stale.

You only start with one, the main borg (as the game calls them) you start with is the most stylish and can link attacks together.
Most character moves are fun to pull off and are visually appealing, some borgs can fly freely or dash around the arena extremely fast, these are simply fun to use, others are more tank-like besides the literal tanks you can play as, you get all kinds of vehicles including airships or even a Dragon that is way too big for the game its in, yes you can play as the bosses too.

It's Guardian Heroes if you mixed it with Virtual on and it's amazing.

you randomly get new borgs after each battle and the cutscene that plays for it is always exciting when it unexpectedly shows up, it seems like you never know what you'll get to play as next, it could be a boss enemy, something rare? or a duplicate o f one you can already own so if you want a team of all the same borg you can do that too.

the 1P mode is decently long and every time you finish the game you can start over with new more powerful and rare borgs possible to unlock so if you get into it you could be playing this for 100s of hours, if you want every borg it could take much longer than even that.

The game has multiplayer, you can use your teams and other players can build them from your set or bring their own via memory card, playing against another person might be the most fun way to play the game, as a multiplayer game this is one I could see people keeping in their rotation.

Very repetitive and completely devoid of story, and yet the gameplay and art direction are just so good that it made me fall in love with it

Ayo this game goes kinda hard tho. Creature collecting real time arena fightin action. The voice acting is so horrible it loops around and becomes amazing. The gameplay can get a bit repetitive and the movesets for each gotcha borg aren't very vast but making your own team of little dudes and fighting other teams of little dudes is awesome. If I had this as a kid it would be my favorite thing ever, and the thought of doing multiplayer battles with other people using their own save files sounds like the coolest thing ever. As always, don't pay the rediculous prices this goes for aftermarket. Give this game a shot though, I need more trading partners.

I have such a weird memory of this game. My GameCube had issues with my memory card where the card would start corrupting every few months out of nowhere and I would get far and have to format my card consecutively.

The map layout and key pieces were burned in my head and I dreaded replaying, but also excited to see what was ahead, and finally one day I beat it, and shit, was I happy.

This is the first incredible remake that set the bar for everything else. It took the heaps of potential groundbreaking first entry that was bogged down by terribly stale dated writing and visuals. And improved that amongst everything else. And wow did it pay off.

This is my favorite Resident Evil game by a lot and that's saying a lot because (Classic) Resident Evil is also my favorite series. The graphical and gameplay updates went really far to make what was once a campy game into a genuine horror game with excellent gameplay.

Instant classic, very enjoyable from start to finish, it really felt like every bullet counted. Thanks to that I ended up with a bunch of spare ammo for the grenade launcher (not for the shotgun, tho). The only annoying part was the inventory management and having to see the door animation over and over, but they didn't really hinder the experience.

Made me an instant believer in the classic survival horror format. The presentation is excellent barring those hitches between camera angles that come from the disk-based medium. The story is super corny but still strings you along from location to location well enough that I don't mind. Pro Tip: don't waste ammo on dogs, always run past them.

Not sure why I like this one the most of the series. Not a PvP'er so the major strength of this game (according to the fanbase) is lost on me, I think the DLC is overhyped at best and actively annoying at worst, and nothing in this game particularly stands out as being exceptional. In fact, there's about 5 areas in the game I would say are some of the dumbest stuff I've ever played. I guess I enjoy this so much since it is the most 'gamey' of the Souls series; it's not overtly ambitious like DS1 and doesn't feel like an awkward fan apology like DS3. DS2 is primarily concerned with customization and expression, and the variety of ways you can mess around and break the game with dumb and creative builds makes it weirdly inline with something like the SaGa series or FFT than anything similar to how the Souls series typically approaches RPG mechanics. When you look at the game as essentially a giant sandbox to experiment in, and are willing to use a walkthrough to find the materials to make good experiments, the stupid parts become a lot more bearable.