Played on PS2

One of the best basketball games I've played in recent memory. Easy to understand and is just good fun.
Game play is a 3v3 basketball game, which goes more into the crazy cartoon-ish basketball, but still remains somewhat grounded and real.

This game features a pretty large cast and you can feel differences between some of the more famous characters, some can feel unique is what I mean. Controls and abilities are simple yet complex enough to where someone could master the game and whatnot. Just really fun stuff, reminiscent of NBA Jam but much more complex.

You can create characters which is pretty awesome for a PS2 game, but of course, the character maker is very limited in options, glad it's here regardless.

One issue I have with this game is unlocking stuff feels too grindy. I mean you've really got to play a lot of this fucking game to unlock everything, like an insane amount of playtime.

I'd say the main mode of single player is the "Be a Legend" game mode. It's not half bad, you can make your own team with your custom character and can create your own team from players you meet in matches. You can further customize your characters clothing with points you unlock by winning, and can also improve certain stats of your character with these points, an early less complex version of what progression is found in the 2K "MyPlayer" game mode. Unfortunately though, I don't think you earn actually credits to buy stuff from the rewards store, which as I mentioned earlier, the store is incredibly grindy, so not getting any points makes it feel like playing the legend game mode is wasting time.

The other game modes include just a standard pick team and play game mode, a tutorial mode, and an "NBA Challenge" mode, where you make a team and beat every then-current NBA team, this mode is pretty cool honestly.

The soundtrack is pretty dope, just solid stuff from the era, such as "Chief Rocka" and "This or That". Out of sports games soundtracks, this one is top tier.
Despite a lot of the cast I still haven't unlocked, the cast is pretty huge for a PS2 game and has a lot to offer. you have street legends, which are unique characters made for the game, at the time current NBA players from each team, each team usually has 3-5 players on them, and NBA legends, which include legacy characters like Larry Bird, 96' Michael Jordan, etc. And finally, custom characters, there are 10 custom character slots.

If you're a fan of basketball I'd highly recommend this game, one of the absolute best from its era, and in my opinion is much more fun than NBA Live and NBA 2K.

Hell I'd say this is more fun than NBA Jam, play this game with some friends and it'll just be fun.

As everyone already knows, this game fucking sucks.

Luckily I didn't buy this game, as after playing the beta I saw that this was not gonna be good. The person I'm file sharing with did however, so I've gotten full access to the game, played on PS5.

I've always been a big battlefield guy, always preferred it over COD or Halo, until BFV lol. But this is way worse than BFV, this game is missing a lot of features that the majority of past BF games have had.

I mean we're talking no scorecards, no changing
teams, no changing squads, no 5 man squads, no consistent servers (though there are in portal) HUGE lack of gun variety, seriously BF4 had more guns than 2042 and Portal combined AT LAUNCH.

The game is an unfinished half-baked mess, missing a boatload of features, all neatly put in a reddit post somewhere, you can find it if you want.

Also a huge issue is in the core game itself; it doesn't know what it wants to be. Getting rid of the class system and replacing it with a hero system was terrible, classes are core to what makes Battlefield Battlefield. It's been speculated and rumored BF2042 was originally made as a battle royale, but they scrapped that and had to make an actual battlefield game from it within 18 months. And I believe it. The hero system doesn't really work well at all in conquest lol, also only two game modes not including portal? what a joke. The hero system allows for more micro transactions (skins for each hero), I think this is also a big reason why they made this change.

The maps are all horrendously large and don't promote infantry game play, I mean seriously if you're infantry you're dying a lot in this game. None of the maps are very innovative or creative, just bland whatever type maps. Also destruction is very minimal, Bad Company 2 had more destruction for fucks sake.

With the introduction of 128 player matches (doubling the player count of past games) This makes the game extremely laggy! Servers will constantly struggle to support this many players and you will constantly experience this "rubber-band" effect. And idk if this is because of lag, but the hit registration is broken.

I could go on for days about how much this game fucking sucks, but I don't really have to, everyone else already has and you get the point.

Game sucks, don't buy it and support such shitty launches.

This game was so damn cool. Like seriously this was a dream for me.

Little kid me was obsessed with this game, I'd live and breathe this game, so much so that I asked for a laptop for Christmas just so I could play this game even more, and wouldn't have to play it on the family computer. I bought a "lifetime" subscription and collected rare armor sets through gift cards exclusively sold at Toys R Us. I was seriously obsessed with this game, I had everything, beat everything, knew all the glitches, I build literal hubs that other players would congregate to, seriously, I made a cafe that operated functionally, and made massive bases and other creations, I made a clan that reached over 100 players, I did literally everything.

Now, you may be wondering, what even is this game? It was a Star Wars MMO, set during the clone wars and in the clone wars TV show art style. it had a million mini games, worlds, things to do, I mean seriously this game was jam packed with content. This was the Star Wars Galaxies of my generation.

Going a little more in-depth, it had character customization, armor/clothing customization, 8 classes I believe, pets, homes, bases, ships, mounts, taunts, everything. It had a huge selection of planets featured in the TV show accessible, and featured almost every notable character from the show. The mini games included things like light saber duels and tower defense games. The best part of the game was the community and just living in the universe for me.

Why this game wasn't more popular, I'll never know. I mean it was a Star Wars fans wet dream. You could be almost anything you wanted to be.

I love this game to death, and news of its servers shutting down was very saddening. There's a project of some guys trying to rebuild the game, but y'know, it'll never be the same. May this glorious game rest in peace. And may my legendary account, Slicer Inhox (literally nonsense name), also rest.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Also, some very old footage that I appear in, my characters name is "Slicer Inhox" I was from 7-10 years old during this games life.

Pretty awesome entry into the Tekken series.

The first Tekken that isn't on PS1, graphics looking pretty great and has aged well. and Obviously the selling point is the new "tag" system, which makes matches a 2v2 fight.

One thing I've always loved about tag tournament 1 and 2 is the roster. Both games combine a lot of characters from past games to make a really massive roster that feels expansive. This game features nearly all characters from the first three Tekken games, while adding some new ones like Unknown. Though very sadly Gon and Dr. Bosconovitch are missing. Still though, super cool to see most of the casts of Tekken 1, 2 and 3 all in the same game.

In terms of how this game plays, it plays extremely similar to Tekken 3, which is a good thing as Tekken 3 is my favorite in the series. Though of course there are new combos to do with the tag feature, and some characters have been altered and tweaked. Most notably, characters have different health bars, for example, Heihachi has a smaller health bar than Kazuya. Really weird design choice, but it's not a big deal.

Music is pretty solid, though kinda weak compared to other Tekken games. Maps are diverse and unique and all look pretty cool. I mean again, graphically and aesthetically this game looks great.

I'd consider this or Tekken Tag 2 to be the ultimate party game for Tekken. The game is just pure fun, and the 4 player matches with friends are a blast.
Also this game introduced "Tekken Bowl" to the series so goated.

It's a must play, one of the best in the series I think.

This game's pretty cool man.

I don't really know what to even say about this game, especially since everyone else has already said it.
It's an extremely short game where you have one straight forward goal, which is to get on top of that mountain. Good stuff.

I believe this game popularized the term "walking simulator" but it's not really that. You walk a lot yes, but you can also slide and do the weird "O" button thing, and you have to ration your floaty-ass jumps, which gives a little depth. The game is mostly puzzle solving, though the puzzles are extremely basic it's still there. It's a simple yet fun to play game, it even has simple stealth sections.

Game is fucking beautiful visually, I have nothing new to add on this topic, shits beautiful.

One complaint though, the motion controls for the camera were annoying, and I didn't see an option to turn it off. Really nit-picking here but yeah stupid design choice there.

Also one thing kinda disappointing, I know I'm like, A LOT of years late to the Journey party, but I didn't see another player in my whole play-through. can't fault the game for that one but yeah just a bit of a bummer.

Journey is just a cool, artsy little game, would recommend.

This is a good time, pretty fun stuff. I played through this game on Medium difficulty.

This game is just pure video game fun, no bullshit going on. Kratos is just a great character and is interesting, the world is beautiful, the goal is simple, just great stuff. What's kinda crazy to say is the weakest part of the game for me is the combat.

The combat is pretty easy to understand and is fun enough, though simple. My problems come when it's near impossible to really just have fun in combat without getting hit and staggered. The rolling is straight up ass, it's rarely ever viable, and in late game majority of enemies can just hit you through your block. So, the best strategy is to just stun your enemies and kill them before they can kill you. Overall, it's a very decent combat system but just not anything remarkable.

Despite not liking mythology shit at all, I found the story to be interesting and engaging. Kratos is an understandable yet flawed character and it's easy to want to see him succeed, despite him having committed atrocities lol. The build up and goal of just killing Ares works perfectly, you wouldn't want it to be anymore complicated.

The graphics look insane for a ps2 game, like serious this is so impressive, especially with the game being able to run so smooth. really a marvel on a technical level.

Leveling up your items, health, and magic feel good and rewarding, there's a unique array of enemy types that can keep you entertained, and locations can vary a good bit throughout.

The platforming is a bit of an issue though, like it's really hard to tell where Kratos is gonna fall or what he's gonna come into contact with, so it can be pretty annoying but the game is mostly easy so it's not really a big deal, just gonna take a couple tries to make some platforming sections.

Overall this is just a really fun ps2 hack and slash adventure with a lot of solid ideas and mechanics, though the game is held back by faults in its combat system.

Definitely a great start for the series, would definitely recommend you play.

This is a review for the NES verion.

Yep, it's Rampage on the NES. extremely simplified and watered-down. It's very boring, very slow, just not really fun. You're better off playing literally any other Rampage game I'm pretty sure. you can literally just jump around and punch buildings, all levels being very similar, the music is literally just one little song on loop I believe.

This game is nothing but an obsolete relic now. Play the PS2 Rampage instead.

God this game sucks so much. It is one of the worst games I've ever played.

There are ZERO redeeming qualities on this game. The only positive thing I can say about it is that it functions on some level.

Platinumed on PS5

Yep, It's Tekken.

This is Tekken at its most technical, I mean seriously the amount of moves and combos is just nuts. Out of all the modern fighting games, I think this is the one I play the most.

The roster is kinda wack honestly, not really my thing. This could just be nostalgia talking, but I've preferred rosters from many of the previous games and I'm not really a big fan of these new characters. Also, some of the classic characters are DLC? that's some scummy shit man. Overall, a pretty mid roster.

I don't really need to tell you about the actual gameplay, there's not much to say. It is again, the most technical Tekken, it's the most advanced and polished one. Everything is fluid and perfected.

The aesthetic of this game is ok, not really my kinda thing but it gets the job done. Also with the soundtrack, it's ok but just not really my style. Not a big fan.

Now discussing the story, it's pretty decent. I played through it all on the 5 star difficulty, and it's not that hard until the final boss, which I don't want to really spoil but fuck man that final boss is so hard, and it's just kinda balls. Giving your boss super armor does not make for a good final fight. Back to the story, it's like the overall story is confusing but the specific bit of the story in 7 is easy to understand and follow. It goes by pretty fast and pushes the story forward, and of course leaves an opening for Tekken 8. One thing though, kinda disappointing there's no tournament in this one, but it is what it is.

Highly recommend this game, it's kinda your only option for a modern Tekken, unless you've got a PS3 or 360 and want to go boot up Tag Tournament 2 or 6.

3rd best Tekken game ever made in my opinion.

Platinumed between PS4 and PS5.

This game suffers from the same problem Rift Apart has but much more extreme, It's simply just too dull to keep me engaged. This game is so insanely polished, everything looks beautiful and everything feels tight and fluid. The game includes every reference and suit and whatever, it's a fans dream in that aspect.

You've heard everyone tell you about why this game is so great, and I agree with a handful of their praises, so since you already know why this game is good, this review is just gonna be about my issues with this game, and a lot of Insomniacs games. They're just too dull and repetitive.

First off, the web-swinging, It's great and all, but it's just boring honestly, you know why? There is zero consequences for messing up. No fall damage, no collision damage, nothing. There's hardly any physics at play, just the handful of clean animations. It's simply just not that fun to swing around if I'm being honest, there's no thrill when there's no consequences, it makes me feel disconnected from the world.

The combat is stupidly easy. Just really easy. Huge indicators on when to dodge, literally a slow down to allow a giant window to dodge, you can just infinitely dodge with zero repercussions, it really just isn't fun. It looks flashy but it just isn't fun. You can change up combat by using your gadgets, which means opening up a weapon wheel, spamming all your gadgets by pressing the trigger, and gg you win.

It is seriously one of the easiest games I've ever played. Insomniacs solution for harder game play? just boost the stats on enemies, which solves nothing. The AI is brain-dead and you can still do the dodge spam and gadget spam on higher difficulties, it just makes enemies spongier. I understand that this is a Spider-Man game, so it's going to be for a casual audience, but holy fuck dude, this is so fucking easy it is mind-numbingly boring.
(side note: the stealth fucking sucks in this game, completely half-baked and not fun to utilize)

Now a section where I stop complaining about mechanics: the sections where you don't play as Spider-Man. Why are they in the game? Who at Insomniac thought this was fun? It certainly wasn't necessary for the story, we could've just watched a cut scene or something. These sections are so boring and not fun, while playing through them I just want to get back to being Spider-Man. No one on this fucking planet bought this game to sneak around a little museum as MJ.

I got platinum for this game and it honestly wasn't worth it. It felt like a chore. for the open-world content, it's mostly all just boring collectables or repeating the same thing over and over. The side missions are ok cause they have you doing some unique things but everything else is just boring as hell. doing all the crime calls took forever and was just exhausting, all the task master challenges and the Osborn stuff, it was just repetitive man.

Again, I've just only complained and have ignored everything good about this game. I want to clarify that this is a good game, but this is probably the most overrated game I've ever fucking played. I cannot fathom how anyone could give this a 5 star or something.

This game is extremely flashy and polished, but goddamn is it dull. A game tailored for the most casual gamer and no one else.

Didn't finish the game.

The moment this game was announced I was always interested, it's right up my alley. I love the aesthetic, the ideas and everything about it. I should love this game, but I just didn't find it fun. I thought it was boring. I know the game is short but I just couldn't be bothered to finish it, I was simply bored of it.

This is a puzzle game with zero hints, so what that means is game play consists of you going around and interacting with literally everything until you interact with the correct thing and yep, objective crossed off the list, do the next one. This is the entire game that I experienced.

Just not fun, very sorry about this one fellas.

The game that basically put Xbox on the map.

I never played the multiplayer in its prime, so this will be about the campaign.

Man what a journey, this is one of the best FPS campaigns I've ever played through honestly. It really gives you a sense of a grand journey and that "you're saving the fucking universe" type feel.
The AI is pretty intelligent, especially for a game this old.

The gun play is pretty consistent and fluid, every battle feels good.

The level design is mostly excellent, but there are some sections of similar hallways and backtracking that can be a slog.

The aesthetic of this game is so magical, the colors and everything just go so well, and are amplified by the killer soundtrack. Seriously, every Bungie Halo has a fucking great soundtrack, I absolutely love it.

Almost every level has a very distinct vibe and nature to it, most notable the Library being dreadful, and the Warthog run being just plain awesome.

If you are a fan of the FPS genre, or video games in general, play this game, it will forever be a staple in video game history.

What a game.

That was a great journey. The longest and hardest game in the series. They tried to jam pack this game with so much content and it somehow worked despite cutting content.

The gun play is very tight, the AI is mostly smart and fun to play against, especially with the multiple factions. The battles become chaotic, but as you have a small amount of health in this game, you always have to be strategic. Literally anything can kill you if you aren't careful.

Despite some moments of shitty cheap kills, the level design is mostly great, I think my favorite level being Outskirts. The flow of these missions are just so good. It really feels like a Journey, I got the same feeling in Halo CE.

The aesthetic of this game is much more darker and gritty than Halo CE, and I love it. It works really well with the more difficult nature of the game. it really feels like you're deep in the shit at times. And just like CE, it's all amplified by a fucking badass soundtrack. I think I prefer CE's soundtrack, but this one is still killer, and goes for a more rock feeling, which again, goes well with the higher difficulty. I will say in terms of aesthetics this is the most aggressively early 2000s Halo, and one of the most aggressively early 2000s games I've ever played, but I love it for that.

The Arbiter also adds an important layer to the story, and the story just becomes much more complex with it. And man, that ending is phenomenal, I understand why the Halo 3 hype was so high.

This is a messy, beautiful masterpiece in the FPS genre, play it.


Anytime FPS games are discussed for the PS2, BLACK will always come to mind.

This game does exactly what it wants to do. It's a no nonsense, down to the grit FPS game.

The game runs around a total of 7 hours, and I think the pacing is pretty good. It offers some stealth but generally this is full on action and explosions from the start to the end. The stealth feels half-baked and just not really put in with much development on it.

The levels are mostly unique and have their own feeling, and the design is pretty damn good, it just flows so well. People always talk about the guns of this game but the levels themselves are really well done and amplify this game.

Now, on the guns, yep, it's awesome. Every gun feels and sounds distinct, they sound visceral and impactful. I think almost every gun I used was fun to play around with. gunfights fill the room with smoke and havoc, it feels exciting. The gunfights are just excellent here.

Now the story, as you may expect from a PS2 FPS game, is bad. It is hard to follow and overall very forgettable, it also ends on a cliffhanger for a sequel that doesn't exist sadly. But y'know, the story isn't really important here.

Also a minor complaint, the friendly soldiers you travel with feel pretty useless, they kill an enemy here and there but generally this feels like a one man army game, you vs a million Russians.

If you're into the FPS genre I'd say give it a try.

Obviously this is the greatest game ever made.

I bask in its glory. God has touched down to Humanity and graciously gifted us this masterpiece.

Play it.