searching for the experience that I once felt after playing the first game, it's sad seeing swery stray further and further from it.

now i'm one to put up with jank, a lot of the stuff here i fuck with but there's one thing in specific that annoyed me:
for a game about wasting time, i hate how bad is it at it; the reason being that the only way time moves is just being outside doing nothing. being inside buildings or doing minigames just freezes time, which is stupid considering how slow the in-game clock is. so if you wanna pass time you'll either wait around or start smoking to skip time, which is what you'll likely end up doing sadly.

I'll give it some points on the schizo-meter when it comes to the 400 achievos/stamps, because the requirements for them are absolutely ridiculous. Like spending 1 year in-game, shooting your little partner patty in the face 300 times or killing thousands of animals. if there's something tedious you can think of, you'll have you do it 100 times. The worst part is that there's a dedicated community that did all of this, only to find out one stamp is bugged due to one of the fetch quests not triggering properly, swery you fucking asshole.

if i wasn't so attached to york and dp in general, i would've flushed it right away, this game is worse than the first one in every single aspect but hey, it did scratch some of that itch i had for DP.

While I had a good run, It's kinda hard to recommend The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa.

The first couple of hours were fun but after that, I didn't really have anything to do. I can only smoke and listen to melancholic music for so long before getting bored. I wish some in-game events didn't have such specific requirements, maybe that would help to fill these gaps the game has. But hey, maybe that's the way it's supposed to be, considering how it all fits at the end.

I'm looking forward to checking out the upcoming game from yeo "Fading Afternoon", and see how he can improve this formula.

Decent racing game if all you wanna do is drift a bit, since it's piss easy and broken, giving you an insane speed boost. However you can stay ahead of your opponent right away since somehow Takumi gets the lead at the start of almost every race lmao, i wish it had a bit of more strategy and catching up to your opponents like the series. also the order of the races are pretty random, they don't follow the manga or series at all.

The most dissapointing thing was the soundtrack, not that I was expecting some high quality production eurobeat on the ps1 or something, but it's just really dull and not catchy at all. Other than that, the driving is kinda satisfying but you don't have to put much thought into it since it doesn't have any physics and messing up mostly goes unpunished.

As a challenge for the rest of the year, i've decided to only coonsoom videogames that are supposedly really good. The first stop is 13 sentinels, a game I barely seen anything negative about and kids in the block wouldn't stop calling it "peak medium".

If you like sci-fi, you got a lot here. It pulls pretty much every trope that you could think of, and while it's cool to see a lot of these references, it gets kind of overwhelming and I wish it went for something a little more unique.

I didn't really care for the tower defense part of the game, it was alright and doesn't require a lot of strategy, funny how most maps completely shit on the framerate. I think the most fun I had with the game was trying to piece everything together chronologically and uncovering the plot, despite the destination, well.. not being really that satisfying, the journey to get there was really fun to discover and it made me finish the game in less than a week. I also really liked most of the cast, shoutout to Takatoshi and Miura.

I'll probably appreciate it more on retrospective, would I recommend it to someone? Sure, if they like visual novels, it's probably the prettiest one ive seen.

A quick write-up. It's hard to not compare these games to their previous entries and start counting the cool stuff that is now missing. But if you're looking for a modern MMA game, this one hasn't gone to shit yet and has a good career mode.

If you always hated the ground game, there's a simplified version of it, which lets you get up much easier or attempt other actions by just selecting one direction with the left analog. The striking is alright, but it could feel more impactful.

I appreciate that they update the roster so that the game doesn't feel outdated, adding fighters such as Michael Chandler or Prochazka which debuted after the game came out so if you wanna play with your favorite fighters, this a is a good pick-up. (Played it on EA PLAY)

With a big chaotic launch like this, you are bound to have absurd claims, people jerking each other n blowing everything out of proportion, and the ones praising the game, ignoring most of it's issues.
But it's no doubt CDPR backed themselves into a corner, with an insane amount of marketing and misleading trailers setting up the average consumer for dissapoinment.

Cyberpunk is an OK game, really good at times. It shines on it's presentation, cutscenes are well directed and the city is alluring, which is also one of it's biggest weakness, they built this enourmous detailed place with a lot of life in it but it's just a hollow shell, looking at it with a magnifying glass only makes it worse and there's NOTHING do in it other than appreciate the landscape while you go from quest to quest.
The game is carried by the performances (With the obvious one being the wholesome man, which made my time playing way more enjoyable), if you don't get invested in the story or characters then you'll probably get nothing out of this.
I liked the sidequests and gigs, all with their unique dialog and the many approaches the game gives you, I just wish they weren't so cluttered, maybe a smaller map could've helped or something to do in-between them because like I mentioned previously, there's nothing to do.

Nothing else stands out outside of it's "AAA" presentation. The hacking and combat are fine, it gets better the stronger you get as you start seeing enemy dismemberment and unlock new tools which can create cool scenarios. Driving is awkward but you get used to it.
The loot is a mess and scattered all over the place, man it is uninteresting. There's so much stuff like clothing, while that's nice to have, it's obvious they had a mechanic going for it that they couldn't fit into the game. That kinda sums up the feeling this game gives you, on every corner you'll be able to tell that something is missing.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a long journey, and chances are, you will not get a satisfying payoff. This is a get on sale in an year or so, not because of the bugs, because the game is lacking and there's bound to be future updates/big dlcs adding content and new features. I haven't experienced more bugs than any Bethesda game or Kingdom Come at launch and even without them, Cyberpunk is just a very flashy experience and shallow at it's core and i kinda can't help to think that people blaming bugs on why the game is bad are just coping with how lacking the game is. (PC)


"The roguelike for people that don't like roguelike"

Hades excels where a lot of other games in the genre don't. Having an absurd amount of character dialogue and narrative, it provides you with a motive and large variety of ways to play right off the bat which helps sustain the pacing as the game keeps evolving with new content.
I don't think it can maintain the same pace in the late game but it still manages to hold on, you're in for quite a grind if you're trying to see everything the game has to offer.
Also some people might find MC annoying as he often talks to himself and the main plot can be quite cliché but thankfully it didn't bother me.

11 SHIELDS!?!?!??!?!?!?!?1111. Hogwarts has fallen.

While Ninja Gaiden is absolutely grueling and it's level design (specially on it's last 2 stages) is something that 33 years later would be considered outdated and cheap, the controls being so smooth and responsive makes up for most of the flaws presented.

Funny cutscenes, catchy soundtrack and just a lot of great satisfaction all around. If you're having trouble in the latter levels, try searching some secret tech, such as cancelling your sword mid-air so you can do more attacks before you touch the ground, really helpful in the last few bosses!

The first Tsubasa game in around a decade, I love this type of shit so I can overlook a lot of the game modern flaws. You only buy this game for the story mode, which is an adaptation of the 2018 anime and it's divided into 2 parts; the National Tournament being Tsubasa story and International Junior Youth Tournament being the career mode. The latter being really fun, being able to create your own character and befriend your teammates to learn their skills. There's some FIFA bullshit they tried to implement with card openings and stuff, thankfully it didn't really have any impact on my playthrough.

It's fun to play and it looks great, quite frustrating at the beginning with a lot of cheap shit such as unblockable shots, especially in the Tsubasa story. However once you get to the Career Mode, you're pretty broken, considering you have the best players in the national team and they keep learning/getting better skills so... you just fuck everyone up, unless they have a good goalkeeper, then it can get pretty exciting.

And that's about it, you have a VS mode and a multiplayer with weird FIFA mechanics which I could not give a shit about, specially considering there's barely anyone playing it and it runs like ass. Had a lot of fun and it took me around 15 hours to beat, but I can't really recommend unless you're heavily into this type of games or Tsubasa in general.

I don’t think Nioh is particularly a great game. The level design is mediocre, the bosses are more often disappointing than engaging and the sidequests (aside from a couple of ones in the DLC) are really messy and just a bunch of shit thrown together. With that being said, Nioh has to be one of the most dopamine inducing single-player game there is, with the abundant diablo style loot and variety of playstyles, it’s fun to go and discover yourself, seeing how everything reacts to certain enemies. You always have something to look forward to.

Without dwelling further into it, I can say that Nioh never left a bad aftertaste despite all it's flaws, that should tell you something about how fun these aspects of the game are. If anything, Nioh made me more intrigued about Nioh 2 since it's a few improvements away from being one of the best games in the genre.

What a dissapointing game. I've enjoyed the first 2 games a lot as a kid, the second one being one of my favorite PS2 games.

This game felt like watching a bad drama, focusing more on the people and seeing how they change and react to the earthquake. Which sounds interesting, but the writing is non-sensical and pointless, I know people see this as "wacky japanese writing" but it just gets tiring after a while. The game is a running joke and it knows it, with a bunch of ridiculous dialogue options which don't matter matter at all. I can run with a joke for a long time but when the levels are so uninteresting with a lack of tension and there's barely anything going on, it's just boring and towards the end it's awful.

Disaster Report has always been about you, the player being in high tense situations, always having a sense of dread and i never felt that here. While also meeting people along the way and taking itself seriously, knowing when to break the ice and not trying to be funny all time.
I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy this entry, not a fan of the direction they're taking it at all, it feels very "yakuza" and it doesn't mix well. If this is your first time playing a Disaster Report game, you'll likely have a good time. After all this time, the concept is still unique and intriguing.

Kunio Soccer is sick. You play as Kunio, the team captain. The goal is to get to the World Cup, which requires you to win around 16 times.

It's a real-time soccer game, but the "real" doesn't carry any realism, there's a lot of crazy tsubasa stuff going on and penalties are really rare, you can elbow or kick your opponent in the face without any consequences. There's stuff such as changing formations, swapping out players and weather, the latter having a significant effect on how matches play out.
The frustrating part of the game can come from some teams being cheap, having unblockable shots and Shaolin Soccer tier goalkeepers, but as you learn more tech and understand the game, you'll rarely put yourself in those situations and work ways around it. And talking about tech, there's so much crazy stuff to do. i'm sure i haven't seen all of it.

You can also play VS or the story-mode with a friend, one player controlling Kunio and the other controlling the Goalkeeper, giving commands to the team.

The death road to hierarchy.

The sequel to Battle Mania nailed it's style in Daiginjou with charming cutscenes and innovative features that make it one of the best shoot-em-ups out there, keeping itself fresh with creative level designs and gameplay that keeps evolving so it doesn't get repetitive.

One of my favorites on the Mega Drive.