When I read Burning Rangers, I wasn't expecting a literal futuristic firefighting game. Which I somewhat appreciate you know? I haven't seen many firefighting games outside of a couple on the NES/SNES. The other ones I checked tend to be lame unity games or just shovelware. If you have any hidden suggestions, i'm down.

Now for a lil write-up about the game: I thought it was pretty fun, there's 4 missions and they all last around 20-30 minutes each, making the game a total of 2 hours long. You basically have to go to X destination and extinguish fires/save people along the way. Then at the end of each stage, you fight a boss, which are whatever, I killed most of them under 30 seconds except for the final boss which takes a bit longer.
The camera can be complete shit in some sections, specially underwater but thankfully you have a nice lady giving you indications at all times in case these things happen or you simply get lost.

Banger soundtrack which is kind of expected coming from Sonic Team and there's a randomizer mode after you finish the game if you end up wanting more.

White boy can jump.

Slam City with Scottie Pippen is a one-on-one game of basketball against 4 different opponents, whoever gets to 7 points first wins.
To score you have to pay attention to your opponent, as they'lll give you cues to let you know when you have to shoot. The problem is that not only these cues are random, they require you to time it at a specific second depending on what they do. So to win this, you'd have to go to training mode, memorize around 30 cues per opponent, some which are impossible to tell since they can be really quiet and do similar motions, even with a guide next to you it'll be hard to tell what he's doing. Digital Pictures has a pattern for doing this kind of stuff, I wish this time it was different but oh well.

Other than the game being, well, insanely hard. It's probably worth checking just for the cutscenes alone and its baller soundtrack which are great.

JJ is a puzzle-platformer with really cool unique mechanics, a great visual style and that Swery touch that any fan of his works will recognize. The level design is pretty good and works well with it's mechanics, there wasn't a level I particularly disliked.
I didn't like the voice acting, it felt dull on important moments, and some of the writing is cliché, eye-rolling at times, but it ultimately accomplishes it's goal.

This a get on sale game, $25 is too much. I'm glad Swery still hasn't lost his touch, i'm definitely excited for his upcoming games.

Interesting one for me. This game is often referred as one if not the best boxing game out there by a lot boxing purists. Mainly due to it's heavily detailed career mode so I had to give it a go.

I was pretty excited launching it up since I love games like Fight Night, Ring King, ect. So i boot up arcade mode and i get my ass whooped immediately, the movement felt terrible and so fast that it feels like you activated turbo on an emulator or something. Despite all that, due to my love for HNI, I kept going (and mapped the "sway" button that for some reason is not mapped, please do that) and started getting used to the crazy pace the game has. Despite feeling so arcadey, it's pretty detailed, sticking to your strengths is essential, so having knowledge about the characters style can be pretty useful.

If you want to try the career mode a guide is pretty much mandatory if you're looking to have any success (unless you know japanese and are a nutritionist lol). I used this guide myself and it led me to a WBA title :) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zN2xE2EADInboBMxLi-6TScuA9k2VyKYkpVs7b1STQg/edit

Out of the 3 Looney Tunes games on the PS1, this is my favorite and one of my favorite puzzle games of all time.

The main goal is to steal the sheeps from Sam Sheepdog without being noticed. There's a lot creative ways to get through a level and it can get quite challenging even nowadays. Very well crafted levels with a fantastic funk soundtrack and great own unique style. It has a lot of details and references to other Looney Tunes characters, which adds to the charm.

Big fan of the movie, I really enjoyed what they've done here.

The game starts as a prequel to the film, it teaches you more about their members and how the gang started, I especially appreciated how they gave a lot of story to Cleo, the leader of The Warriors. It really tries to fill you in on everything that the film couldn't, like many gangs that you see at the beginning of the film, but couldn't have an appearance due to lack of time.
They captured the charm of the movie perfectly with the visuals and the soundtrack, nothing feels out of place. And this adds up to the experience as you gotta defend your turf, rob stores, mark your territory and beat up dudes, all with the help of your gang members which you can order around. The combat is good and messy, you and the enemies get real bloody, the IA can be a bit cheap but you can get around it.

If you're a fan of the movie, it's definitely worth checking out. If you have a friend, the game has co-op too, and a few game-modes where you can VS each other.

It's good, very addictive and it has great moments. Also annoyingly hard which is part of the charm, you're gonna get beat, imprisoned or eaten alive a lot.

Sadly, a lot of features feel really poorly implemented and need to be modded for them to function properly. There's not much of an end-game, once you finally get strong and gather a small group, there's not many things to do, the game has a great journey and a dissapointing payoff. There's barely any dialogue so forget about that.

Kenshi 2 is in development and I'll sure keep an eye on it. I hope they add more stuff like armies, taking over cities, and more interaction between you and the world, so it reacts to what you're doing. Kenshi is a solid foundation for something great, I hope it'll get there.

I have a love/hate relationship with this game.

This game throws every bullshit you can imagine at you, forget about most of the rules. You'll start with a shitty deck and getting good cards takes forever, you need to grind a lot. The enemies don't give a fuck, they straight up cheat and mock you after. At the beginning it's easy to get by but the more you play, the more bullshit it gets, the last section of the game can be pure insanity and you'll need to be on point with your deck and knowledge.

Growing up playing this was a pretty amusing experience, trying to figure out card combinations and how to get the best cards was really fun, which is why I look at it now with affection. I also enjoyed the eerie atmosphere a lot and the music is quite memorable. Nowadays the game is seen as a speedrun game and there's a lot of guides and tricks to help you out.

A pretty fun boss gauntlet game, known for it's clunky controls that require a bit of time/patience to get used to, when you do, it feels good. Timing is essential, as managing your ammo/force levels is a big part of the game, you have to keep an eye on them to change weapons quickly, maximize your damage and not get caught in a bad situation. The clock is always running and every second counts.
For the most part, I thought the bosses were pretty fun, there's a lot of cool level designs and they're are always working against you. I found some bosses mildly annoying and towards the end, kind of disappointing. Which upon reading on it, it reflects how much ambition this game had and it's craving for more that never made it into the final product.

Nonetheless, going into it blind and knowing nothing about it, i had a great time and i'd recommend it to anyone that is looking for a challenge as this game is quite unforgiving and ruthless at times, definitely one of the toughest on the Mega Drive.

Altered Beast without the flick charm and cool sound design.

I played the japanese version since in the NA one they cut out Hokuto no Ken stuff (this game is a sequel to the Mark III HNK game). Hoping that it'd be cooler, it's pretty much the same with the only difference being that the enemies explode in HNK style and the characters of course. This might sound cool but it's just dull, a lot of levels get reused with different color schemes and the audio is boring.
Oh and talking about Altered Beast, this game is hard as shit and not in the fun way, die once and it's back to the beginning.

Overall pretty dissapointing, nothing that stuck out other than punching axes and knifes which hey, it's kinda cool.

Champion Boxing is the first videogame directed by Yu Suzuki. I like boxing games a lot so i figured i'd check this out.

It's footsies type of game, as you can easily go back and forth to bait your oponent and keep winning. Blocking can be useful but I wasn't able to punish a lot. The cheapness from good old boxing games comes when your oponent randomly decides to unleash a flurry of attacks on you until you're knocked down but most of the time, I was able to get up, worst case scenario you get TKO'd which seems to be random.

Very visually appealing, I wish the fighters would change when you beat them as you always fight the same dude and it's just keeps getting harder, but hey it's an arcade game from 1983. Always cool to visit videogame developers first works.

Don't let the looks and wackyness fool you, this game is legit.

It's a 4 button fighting game, i'd say the closest game to it I can think of is KOF, except it's more fast-paced, 30 second rounds and moves do really high damage. Fun juggles and easy to learn combos that require very little training. Jackies are busted.

There's some weird stuff such as loud audio bugs, animations going ape-shit and weird color palettes for the characters, but none of this is annoying, most of the time, it's just funny. Insanely fun and very easy to pick-up, also available on Fightcade! (Make sure to pick up this edition with all the 3 selectable jackies)

Jumping from Metal Slug 3, MS4 is quite dissapointing as it's quite a step-down when it comes to the spectacle and chaos from it's previous 2 entries, i'd say it returns more to the feel of MS1 but i found the levels a bit duller and just more of the same stuff which is fine, the game is still a through and through metal slug game and i found the music to be quite pleasing.

I almost missed this one, I thought there was only Final Zone for the Mega Drive and Final Zone 2 for the CD Turbo. Turns out there's a game for the MSX and PC-88, the latter being more detailed, with more scenes and a cleaner sound.

In Final Zone Wolf, you play as 3 characters, one being Bowie, the protagonist and 2 other selectable characters from your squad. In classic schmup fashion, you move forward with your squad shooting enemies. There's an issue here, you control bowie and your squad follows a certain fixed formation, and they can get STUCK, which doesn't let you continue. This happened to me multiple times, specially on the PC-88 version which led me to finish it on the MSX (and it also happened once lol). So your best bet is to go solo or just go forward non-stop and avoid tight spaces.

Thankfully this is a 15 minute game and it's piss-easy, but there's not much to see here. The intro for the PC-88 has a funny newspaper introducing all the characters with broken english.

Final Zone is an isometric mecha shooter, the goal of the game is to kill every enemy on the level, then fight a Boss at the end. Some which are kinda cool.

You have multiple weapons at your disposal, however if you get damaged, they break and you can't use them until you heal up. There's not a lot of healing items, and you don't heal between levels, so you'll most likely only have access to a few ones for most of the time. It plays pretty stiff, you have to face a direction then shoot, which can be a bit annoying in some sections.

Fun and cool soundtrack, but nothing really stood out that much. I wouldn't know this was related to the other Final Zone games if the MC wasn't named Bowie.