101 reviews liked by Katsu01

Fun game that feels like it has a lot more to offer than I'm willing to put the time in to experience. Charming graphics in a somewhat uncomfortable world.

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james "i'd never kill myself" "in water" sunderland

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You're a cute little robot! You got to pick up your plug and plug IN. And it's so cute and adorable nyeh nyeh nyeh nyehhhhhh. And a cute girl who dresses like a frog and she just says "ribbit" like how I like to be a CAT, and I just say "meow meow meow meow". That's all.

My goal in life is to look like Servbot.

the damage fire emblem awakening has done to our society is irreparable and will haunt us for years to come

my diagnosis comes in next month

well it’s making me appreciate style savvy more

the ps3 wasn't a great console, but it's an excellent prison

No game truly uses the medium of video games quite like this game does.

Now if only it didn't use the medium to replicate the way I felt when I worked at an Amazon warehouse for 11 hours a day for a month.

I'm gonna pretend to know what was happening and say it was a masterpiece.