man, this could've been a pretty good old nes game, and i do have a bit of a soft spot for it despite all its terrible flaws. the core gameplay is pretty good and of course, there's the fucking amazing sunsoft music. but not utlizing checkpoints, forcing you to start over from the beginning in such a maze-like world is just unforgivable, and uncle fester strolling around town at a snail's pace certainly doesn't help. while the game at least lets you start over with all progress and inventory intact, the fact that there's no way to get back any items you've used means you might as well just restart if you reach the later stage of the game having gulped down too many potions. it would be a game that could have a lot of gain from a good romhack, but from those i managed to find they don't really change it up enough. so save state abuse might be the way to go for anyone who dares to give it a try! (just make sure it's the "fixed" european version)

Wow. This was an absolutely brilliant experience. Unless you really aren't into card games, play it. The less said about it, the better.
I do have to mention that the "design your own card" mechanic is brilliant and I wish it was introduced earlier. If the person who received the clone of my slightly psychotic and violent double striking buddy Dr. Help! would stumble upon this, I hope you got to have a good time together!


Fun little game! But could we be done with every indie game having Dark Souls progression already?

a buggy mess with repetetive and uninspired cookie cutter crime sandbox gameplay. the lack of checkpoints, uneven difficulty level and the game's tendency to bug out makes the main missions unreasonably punishing and i dare anyone who thinks from software designs "unfair" games to give this a try
still, it's not a complete disaster and there are some redeemable qualities here. props for the dumb humor, good soundtrack and keith david's sexy voice! also why doesn't more games have a mini-game where you commit insurance fraud by throwing yourself in front of cars

maybe not the most sophisticated basketball simulator on the market, but it's a fun game to play while drinking with some buddies. pissing people off by pulling the corner 3 exploit (without making it too obvious) always makes for some giggles

The snowboard take on Mario Kart. So many good memories of this from back in the day, great party game. That frantic scuffle to get through to the lift is the best part. Oh, and the music is great! I don't know if it's just me, but it gives me such a peculiar feeling that borders on melancholy.

good game if you always dreamt of defeating japanese mythological creatures and legendary warriors with firecrackers

it's call of duty. war is... le bad! unless you're an american, then you're a hero. i appreciate how different it felt to fight the japanese with their sneaky not so honorable tactics and i wonder why these games don't try to change up the enemy fighting styles more

Hardly a game, but a very good piece of interactive fiction

14 years have passed since this one sexy and mysterious anime man sparked a 13-year-old boy's interest in coffee and subsequent full-blown caffeine addiction - thanks for the withdrawals game!

An alright multiplayer for its time that was made obsolete due to the great sequel. Not very good as a single player experience. Enjoy your AI clonetrooper teammates running headfirst into droidekas for days!

It is a good game, but the save system is fucking broken and when I loaded up an autosave made 4 minutes prior it rolled back a couple of hours of my progress with no way to get back. Make sure you manually save regularly if you're going to play this.

everyone should watch the warriors and then come out to play this little gem. movie-based games don't get much better than this. quite possibly my favorite rockstar game

So... why is this game not talked about more? It's one of the best action games on the PS2 - hell, one of the best games for the system period. And it's made by Capcom even!

The combat looks simple on the surface but there is a real depth to it, every little input you make matters and you won't get anywhere if you try to button mash. The mechanic that rewards you for performing different actions in battle is great, keeping you from just doing the same trick over and over. There is good variation in the gladiator levels and the difficulty ramp-up is almost perfect. Gitting gud at this game is really damn satisfying.

The story is quite enjoyable and engaging for what it is, a pretty silly and exaggerated alt-history tale of the assassination of Caesar and the final days of the Roman republic before turning into an empire, full of imaginative takes on historical figures and events. Think of it as something that you could find in some pulpy comic book.

There are a couple of flaws, the most infamous being the stealth levels jammed in between the action levels sticking out like sore thumbs. While the boss fights are fun, some will make you feel From Software-levels of satisfaction upon completing them (the final chapter of the game is pretty much an epic gauntlet of boss fights) - most of them are won by utilizing the same strategy, unlike the regular gladiator levels.

Shadow of Rome is one of the hidden gems of a console whose library is chock-full of hidden gems. Can't recommend it enough to anyone into a good action brawler!