OCtober 2023 Steam Next Fest

Nothing here!

Cute spider platformer. I like the animation of the spider legs walking, and how you can cling to any surface to walk on like a spider. Web slinging and building are decent. Don't care for the "drag an item to a spot" missions. I feel like I should like it more than I do tho and not entirely sure why it didn't click
Pirate game, feels very, very early development. Sailing, shooting, at stuff feels very similar to more finished games
Custom Robo! Doesn't fully hit for me though, and I skipped all the cutscenes cause I didn't care, but decent Custom Robo game
kinda like an Untitled Goose thing, you are a dog and cause a buncha mischief, totally wreck the house while the people are gone. Pretty cute, pretty fun
demo didn't really have much to do but free driving, and I didn't really care for the controls. Prefer more arcade-y racing/car games
pretty fun and cool looking Space Harrier like on rails shooter. really cool music
competent beat em up with a cute bunny girl. Doesn't do anything unique or special, but bnuuy
Puzzle game with nice aesthetic and an interesting hook. You can fold each screen from the sides or corners, and solve puzzles by folding the back side over to make your paths forward. Pretty decent but not sure how much further the idea can be taken
cool little pirate game, resource, crew and time management elements. Badass retired pirate grandma. Beat the medium difficulty pirates heading south first attempt only to think I should go back and heal up, and they respawned and I lost to them twice
Definately picking this one up when it releases. Super fun co-op bullet hell with MMO style global cooldown skills, and classes and bosses with mechanics ripped straight from FFXIV. Also its a rogue-like, and boss mechanics aren't always the same run to run either. So much fun, going to play this demo more before Next Fest ends
Pretty decent soulslike, dodge has no invincibility though so can be super punishing when timed wrong. One of the bosses had virtually no tell for its melee swing though and if you were at all in front of it, its suck in move was just instant damage
Very fun PvP Battle Network game, with good character designs. As long as there's a player base it'll be sick
switch between a mech form for shooting, and a ball form for movement and some abilities, very fast paced and fun, ball form has some good feeling physics to it
Had to fit a porn game in somewhere. Demo only seemed to have one scene repeated, went into it quick
good metroidvania, cute, fun moveset, has light bullet hell, beefy demo too
okay Metroidvania with cute girls, I liked the scarab boss
An okay Metroidvania with Bloodborne inspiration on its sleeve. You have to farm health restoration items like in Bloodborne and I hate that. Quit on the boss cause I ran out of healing items and didn't want to go farm them
Cute co-op game where you have to stay near your random partner to do platforming and puzzles. You can then unlock different animal forms to change into during the gameplay
Fun little deck building game with positioning and cool space ships
atmospheric rock climbing game. Its alright
Cute game with lesbian dates and also surprise its a horror game. Didn't see the horror tag before playing and really caught me off guard lol
another cute deck building rogue-like. Never played the first game, but its aight
decent little puzzle game with crab and cute spritework, good music
It's a Vampire Survivors, except it's pirates. Yarr!
took a little bit to understand the controls and why I'd sometimes bounce off a wall and other times die, and even after figuring it out kinda tricky but that's the point
Pirates Odyssey
A pirate themed base-building game, but I wasn't really feeling it at all watching the pirate guy carry wooden planks one at a time slowly over to the start of my base and quit before really finishing anything


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