Much more akin to an interactive story than a game as per say standing at only 15 minutes long but still a really interesting experience. I especially loved how your role as the player ties into the games themes, that, alongside the strange music and the harsh and unclear visuals make this a truly novel but very well executed game.

Pretty short and fun experience, more for the humour than the gameplay. Feel like they could've done a bit more with it as it got pretty samey towards the end but charming enough

Awesome concept and when it worked it worked well but unfortunately it felt kinda half baked and learning moves and levelling was just not that fun.

My favourite fromsoft game of all time. Spectacular setting and world building with its perfect transition from a victorian gothic horror start to its beautiful lovecraftian end. The quick dodge and rally system, allowing you to regain health lost by hitting enemies after being hit, make the combat feel so fluid, fast paced and addictive. The only bad thing is that you have to farm blood vials instead of being replenished at a lantern but thats a very small stain on an otherwise perfect experience.

Probably taking the place for my favourite game of all time but its hard to explain exactly why. Characters are amazingly fleshed out and the story is beautiful, the mechanics are unique and interesting as well. Without spoiling too much it twists from this hilarious game about a drunk cop to a perfect tale of love, loss and learning to move on from the past. Disco Elysium in every way, from its characters to its setting to its music, is spectacularly dreary and yet it is clearly a world that still has a glimmer of hope left.

This is a very text heavy game but every line is voice acted to perfection which makes this a lot easier to play if you're not that into text-based games. I would definitely recommend everyone to give this game a chance.

So glad I decided to take the leap and pick this up as my first fighting game. Insanely addictive and has a very high level of polish as well as a surprisingly well-balanced roster. Modern controls make this a great entry level for those wanting to get into fighting games too. Definitely try this for yourself if you're on the fence, it's opened up a new door for me into a genre I've never quite dived into.

It's been a long time since a story game has gripped me with such fervor as Baldur's Gate did. The characters are incredible, the variety of options and pathways keeps the game fresh and interesting and the turn-based combat is some of the best I've seen. I've spent hours and hours simply respeccing characters and finding new builds to play around with and new ways to tackle scenarios. It truly presents each battle as a puzzle to be solved which keeps it so engaging.
Well deserving of all the praise it has received, to see Larian deliver such a polished product with so much raw content is incredible and I eagerly look forward to what they do in the future. As a side note, I wish every game had such a robust inspect feature where I can see exactly what every key element of every item, spell or characteristic does.