I didn't expect this short game to be as fun as it was, even with 2024 standards.

Great core idea, but as it's name implies, inside it's shell, it's a hollow game

amazing game, great artstyle

It's one of the games ever made.

Underated game, started strong and got crazier

The start of this game was really strong, can be a fun game if you enjoyed Heavy Rain, i had so much fun with this one when i first played it despite being kinda mid overall and sadly having David Cage as a director

The Outbreak File games are the best types of resident evil games

Nostalgia wise, this was one of my favorite coop games to play as a kid

For people who grew up with the MGS series, this is enough to make grown men cry

I honestly think this is the best Warriors game ever made, even with the hardware limitations and small cast of characters.
The more "serious" and less anime approach of this first game fit the world perfectly, music is awesome, some tracks really makes you feel "this is urgent"
The create a character mode was a bold decision, they should have done the same but better on the sequels.
Would love another game like this one

One of the best couch-coop experiences on ps2

Has potential, waiting for full release

I have to give it another shot, with a thinking brain this time

This will be a banger game in 2028