The biblical names and themes unfortunately spoil a good chunk of the story but when the gameplay is as fun as it is that doesn't really affect things too much. The combat is super satisfying and while parrying is pretty easy to pull off, hitting 12 in a row while you're on low health makes you feel like a badass. The monster designs are so well done that I can't help but want to purchase figurines of them to put up on my shelf. The bosses had great variety, my favorite of them was Belial. I can't say this game is one of the best of all time but I would definitely recommend it and cannot wait to see what Shift Up has in store for us in the future

Hard to believe this was the same studio behind Dread, never played the original since this is a remake so I can't compare it on that front. Feels very linear for a game in a series that flag shipped the METROIDvania genre. It has it's moments of fun and I wouldn't say the game as a whole is "bad" but it feels unpolished and like it could have used a bit more time in the oven. The ideas here were further expanded and improved upon in Dread and proved that they just needed a bit more time to make it work. That being said it seems like this is rated lower than Return of Samus for the Gameboy which makes me want to give it a go. I like the ideas presented here I just feel like it wasn't executed the way it should have been. All in all though a pretty good 3DS game to pick up for 30 minutes at a time over the course of a few weeks/months like I did.

Starts off really well and then it turns into what feels like a grindy mess. Lots of fun though. A bunch of good ideas here that I cannot wait to see further developed into a whole slew of roguelite/sim games. I can recommend this for anyone who enjoys roguelites or completionists as a whole since it has lots to offer for a short experience.

Very good looking game with fun mechanics and movement that feels great until you compare it to the more "modern" titles but even then still a good time. The mechanics at times can be a little frustrating but it gets a pass because it is a lot of fun and the extra content versus the original was a lot of fun. Very easy to finish on a lazy Saturday and seems like it would be a very fun game to master and get all the endings for definitely on the list of things to come back to in the future.

From start to finish, a wonderful experience to have played through. The story had me questioning my own morals numerous times, the Royal only content took me a minute to jump into as the original ending to the game really did feel like an ending resulting in it feeling like post game content but now I just regret not jumping in sooner. The twist I feel really only had subtle hints very early on and became more clear once it was closer to happening. If you enjoy turn based combat or can stomach a 120 hour story that will take a long time to get through I highly recommend it.

I played on the Master Chief collection with a friend of mine, on Legendary difficulty. Played like I remembered as a kid and the story was fun to go through again having little memory of the events that occur. Definitely would recommend if you have a Saturday to kill and just want something fun to do for the day.

A great closing chapter to Kratos' story in the realm of Norse mythology (and maybe as a whole) I have yet to play the originals and only have 2018 and Ragnarok under my belt so experiencing this in a similar way to Mimir with how elements of his past came to be knowing very little but vague details from another land was honestly one of my favorite parts of this expansion. Highly recommend because Santa Monica knows how to tell a story

A demonstration that Nintendo still knows how to make a good 2D platformer, such a refreshing thing after the cookie cutter NSMB games that have been the norm for the last decade and then some. Some stages were actually challenging and the badges did make things a bit cheese-able but didn't take away from the experience. Overall a very good game you could easily play start to finish on a lazy Saturday or 100% over the course of a few days like I did.

I can see a lot of early versions of mechanics used a lot today here, it really pushed things forward. The use of the touchpad and the little motion in the controller was done really well. The concept of the good vs evil mechanic seen time and time again was also a welcome addition. The story was engaging and had characters developed enough that you actually cared about them despite being crazy murderers or bullied kids that don't leave the basement.

A phenomenal follow-up to a game that was incredible in its own right. I went in with high expectations and they managed to exceed them. The story was better, the quips were quipier and it was quite an enjoyable experience to do absolutely everything. I had a hard time putting it down

I feel as though this game takes concepts from the first game and improves upon them exponentially, boss fights feel more action-packed and the scale of everything has a massive weight on the player, I'd be lying if I said I didn't bawl my eyes out at least twice. I've seen some things about pacing issues but for myself, I was mostly unaffected because I played on Give Me God of War as I am crazy. I also felt like the Atreus sections could've used a bit more work.

How can you improve upon a game that is near perfect? Faster Loading times and ray tracing. Man this game is gorgeous

A very solid experience that can be a little difficult and annoying at times. As my first Resident Evil experience I am not disappointed and definitely looking forward to hopping into another one soon.

Insomniac strikes again, solid gameplay with phenomenal webslinging although I feel some of the additions to combat felt rushed or out of place. The story while good shared many parallels with the first game and this was his good friend turned foe storyline. All in all still a very solid game and one that's easy to get through in one day. May go back to get the platinum like I did Spider-Man

Edit: I took the time to get the Platinum

Game I have spent most of my childhood playing, It definitely has it's charm but I feel after Mojang was bought out by Microsoft it has gone downhill