People out here spending hundreds of thousands of dollars gambling for pngs

Great remake of a great game i finally got to experience and now please please PLEASE do explorers dx i played that game growing up and it meant quite alot to me, i would cry at that annoucement like i did when i was 9 at the ending.

Super ambitious and polished game fun to play the first time just too easy and annoying with the wii mote gimmick levels to be much fun to replay for me.

Easily mv fav 3d sonic game and fav sonic game in general, i could replay this game over and over and not get tired of it and it's fantastic level design, visuals, fanservice and musical remixes.


Made lonely days in the high school library more bearable

I still prefer the first game personally but this was still a great follow up for what it is.

Best way to play hoenn, ORAS sucks

1. 1. This game is way better animated than the main series full price entries right now wtf
2. This game has voice acting and the again main series full price entries don't
3. The game corner using fake in game currency is bad and had to be taken out even tho kids aren't even allowed in casinos till the age of 18 but scamming kids online right now gambling with real world money is okay. FUCK YOU RATING BOARDS.

My fav comfort game that also features likely plant genocide at every turn


I love everything about this game except the gameplay loop after 10 hours.


Easily the best pokemon video game since black 2 / white 2 renewed my love for the series after 3 generations of half-heartedness and lackluster efforts, just so charming and fun although the ending was pretty weak sauce espically compared to the first game but in every other regard it's a great sequel.

The main series really nosedived after this game huh?

Some of the shittest, most boring & overly dragged out level design i've seen