28 reviews liked by Kurizted

the best danganronpa game. ever.

Una historia muy fuerte. Es de esas experiencias que es mejor tener de primera mano. Muy interesante, y aplaudo que esto exista.

Gran juego que a día de hoy se sigue disfrutando gracias a su muy lograda ambientación, divertida jugabilidad y una interesante historia. Sin olvidar su apartado técnico que, casi 20 años después, se sigue viendo muy bien.

( . .)
( づ♡ very cute lil spooky game. love the sound design & atmosphere, just wish it was longer. i got all the achievements and the second ending too. hope the dev makes more games like this soon!

Playing this game as a kid in 2009 actually did permanent GOOD damage to my brain and changed the rest of my life in ways I think no other piece of media will ever be able to achieve.

El primer juego que jugué tras mi debut, tenía anotado que debería ser el primero ya que trata de una V-tuber más específicamente. Me la pasé muy bien jugándolo y me sorprendió gratamente a decir verdad. Siempre le tendré mucho cariño. 🥰

Most Danganronpa reviews on here are memey so I thought I’d jot down some legit thoughts I have on the game here. I haven’t been so hooked on a game to this degree in forever. Within the span of 4 days, I had completed the whole storyline, I just could not put it down, I was so engaged as to what would happen in the story next. This’ll overall be a spoiler free review except the excerpt I will mark as such so watch out for that.
This game visually slaps. The almost eerie visual style of 2D characters combined with 3D environments contributes to the heavy atmosphere. Sprite quality is overall great as well, and although they aren’t animated, each character can be seen with a distinct personality and look from how their sprites are drawn. The almost Tim Burton-esque look to the Execution FMVs look amazing as well, I love how uncannily they are animated. Other elements, such as the UI, are flashy and unique, and you can’t forget the ever famous “NO, THAT’S WRONG” cut-in animation (well I guess “Sore Wa Chigau Yo” since I was playing the PSP translation). Also, the music is banging. Love the techno sound to it, and the variety of tracks on display. "Beautiful Death" is one of the most boppin' and atmospheric tracks I've heard in a video game in recent memory.
Overall solid cast here. Some characters such as Fuwaka I absolutely could not stand (I’m assuming intentionally so??), but I ended up enjoying most of the characters. Makoto is a very vanilla protagonist but seeing him grow throughout the journey was satisfying for me. I also liked the mysterious Kirigiri, the swimmer donut girl Asahina, the strong and honorable Sakura, and my bro (but also borderline con artist) Hagakure. Byakuya is also a pretty decent rival character throughout. Seeing the number of the 15 characters slowly dwindle, along with the fact you can potentially make strong bonds with these folks makes their losses go harder if that ever happens. My friend TonySADX mentioned that the more of the school you unlock, the more desolate the population becomes, and I can't stress enough how smart that subtle dynamic goes the further you dive into this large mystery.
Danganronpa is compared to Ace Attorney alot, and structurally they are very similar. But I’ll be damned if the trials in these games are WAY more stressful then any of the Ace Attorney ones. Time limits, complex mechanics, a ranking system, it makes these trials quite a havoc (NOW LAUGH). I played on the easiest difficulty because I’m a slow thinker, but I’d imagine that they are more rewarding on normal and above. I liked most of the minigames, but SCREW the comic books, I hate doing those so much.
Sorta mixed on the final villain. I’m not the biggest fan of bonkers antagonists, but this one has such a great sprite set showing their insanity and I love that. A bit anticlimactic that we only get to see them face to face at the latter half of the final trial, but they were a joy to see and eventually take down. One of the most satisfying final villain takedowns I’ve seen in these detective style visual novels. Also I think they have a really solid character design so that’s a plus.
Final Thoughts
In summary, I really enjoyed this game. Kept me engaged the entire way throughout, and I’ve been informed that it only gets better from here. However, it’s definitely a very flawed game in some aspects, and I can COMPLETELY understand both the fan and hater sides of the spectrum, both are justified in my opinion. I’m already thoroughly impressed by this first attempt in the series, and I hope that I enjoy 2 and V3 just as much.

It is very difficult to say anything meaningful about Void Stranger without completely spoiling the experience.

I can at least give you this: Void Stranger does many incredible things that only video games can, and it does them more adeptly than anything else I have ever played.

It is among the very best of its medium.

Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is made of incredibly interesting game design ideas, but is occasionally let down by inconsistent writing quality.

That's not to say the writing is bad -- some of it is very good! -- but there are passages that felt like mid-2010s AO3 prose instead of Professional Videogame Writing, if that makes sense.

There's also some occasional tension between your own role-play and the game's text. Certain dialogue choices ask you to express explicit character traits (e.g. do you value Romance, Knowledge, or Power), but the player-character will often say things that directly contradict the character-writing you've done on your own.

With that said: if you think a cute wiccan lesbian visual novel deckbuilder is your sort of game, you should absolutely play this.

i love the part when they all died horribly