73 Reviews liked by LHBlitz

Good asymmetrical gameplay idea a la Pac-Man, but fails to make it an elegant title. The erratic nature of the objects to collect prevents the development of really fine strategies. On the other hand, the title is too repetitive and you notice quite quickly the existence of initial drop patterns.

They weren't lying, that boy can pop my eyes out.

best story game ever made, had a great time playing it during a 120h long story...

This may be one of the best games Bethesda has released in the past year, I went in it with no sort of expectations and I was shocked by how good it was, the graphics, and the combat were fun, and just the story itself was amazing.

use the multitap on the emulator, use the widescreen hack, and up the resolution

Played this with my crush about 7 years ago.
Haven't seen her since.

I miss sending glitter to my homies.....
The world lost a shade of colour when the Switch released with a different type of touchscreen to the 3DS, I guess it's a capacitive one similar to the type phones use? Either way, it disincentivises the use of anything but a finger, or a specialised conductive stylus that the system doesn't even come with. No Art Academy, no Etrian Odyssey, no freaking Swapnote. Not swaggie. The humble social doodler has been hunted down and destroyed. Swapnote Nikki found dead in Miami.

What an absolute nightmare of a game. The only saving grace was that I got to stream it alongside an audience who was as baffled by it as I was. Maybe it's better after the patches but I don't think it's too unreasonable to judge a game by its quality at launch (and still after paying $60.) I actually really liked Until Dawn, but The Quarry straight up wasn't finished-- it should be releasing like right now (Oct. 2022) for an added spooky bonus. God knows it needed a few more months in the oven. I'm not even sure how much it could even be saved by patches. So many instances of just the most jarring camera cuts I've ever seen in one of these cinematic-type games-- characters saying something, finishing a thought, and then the camera cutting to them beginning a new thought from a different angle, as if they were having a conversation with themselves. Asinine mechanical flaws like needing to interact with notes twice to actually get everything out of them. Graphical glitches galore. Dialogue that made Until Dawn Emily's social-media-speak seem Shakespearian. Characters acting completely obtuse with other characters for in-game weeks just so it serves the plot. Maybe the problem is that I played it on PS4, because the game just completely shits itself every time there's a moment of impact-- I mean literally, whenever someone gets hit, or shot, or stabbed or whatever, the game decides that it must make a save that very second, which in turn tanks the performance during pivotal moments. I'm really not somebody who dislikes games, I tend to get more good than bad out of it. Again, had I played this alone after spending 60 dollars on it, I'd say that I got absolutely nothing out of The Quarry besides moderate heartburn.

Some of the characters were fun at least, and the mystery elements were nice. One star for that, and the other half for my "so bad it's kinda good" experience with it.

Spoony ruined discourse on this game for like 10+ years. FFX deserves several thousand apologies.

Not to joke about a serious subject but almost every question has the last alternative be "specialists are still unsure" and I cant help but think its hilarious to ask kids about one of the most serious subjects they'll likely ever see at such a young age and then have the equivalent of "idk lol" as the correct answer.

I thought I was getting low stakes persona Devil may cry. Instead I got emotional trauma.

This short, solo dev game is not without flaws, but the story and characters make the journey absolutely worth it.

Dont let go.

I was never a fan of Ratchet and Clack. I played the original PS2 game, the first PS3 game and the remake on PS4 but those games never clicked with me... until now.

I don't know what it was, but I absolutely loved Rift Apart. I enjoyed the combat, the humor, the dialog and the action. The only thing I can say I was kinda disappointed is that the series is know for its whacky weaponry and it's not until NewGame+ that you unlock a couple of truly weird weapons.

On the technical side, the game runs and looks amazing. There are several moments in which the camera pans away and you truly believe you are still in a cutscene. The only technical issues are a couple of bugs I found during my gameplay.

Overall, I was surprised on how much I loved this entry, and I think I will keep an eye from now on on this serie