33 reviews liked by LOSERCXRE

"We're enemies. So let's do what enemies do."

My first Tales game, and a fantastic first impression. Wonderful gameplay, characters, music and setting, story drags a bit on the back end, but that's kinda true of many JRPGS. This one is worth the play, if my 150 hours in it don't speak for itself.

Another comfort game. Much like all of Suda51’s games, I feel inspired whenever I play Flower, Sun, and Rain. Makes for a great summertime romp, at least for me. Its willingness to intentionally annoy the player will probably frustrate most people but I love it. It’s part of what makes it so interesting. I can’t think of many other examples where the gameplay and writing are this effective at putting the player on the same page as the player character. When you have to repeatedly walk through several large, empty areas, you understand why the protagonist is so grumpy all the time. One of the funniest games I’ve played too. The protagonist punches a child at one point. That alone is worth a perfect score.

this game could've had a scene of someone slipping on a banana peel or some shit and it still would've been the coolest thing you've ever seen

Killer7 is so utterly singular. A shining example of the magic that can come from not just subverting expectations, but ignoring them completely. I’ve played through it twice now and I STILL get excited by the creativity on display, from the gameplay, to the writing, to the presentation; I feel an intense wave of inspiration whenever I so much as think about Killer7. It rules. Also, it’s a comfort game for me, which makes me cool and I should be praised for it.

A once in a lifetime experience.

Killer7 has always been an interesting title for me as I would always see it growing up but never played it. After years went by I finally sat down and started the game but quickly put aside for whatever reason which leads to right now. As a huge suda 51 fan it's truly a mystery to me as to why it took this long to finally play Killer7 BUT it's better late than never and I can wholeheartedly say this is the pinnacle of Suda 51 and a true meaning to the word, masterpiece.

What makes Killer7 so amazing?

Honestly every aspect from the gameplay , graphics , vibes , characters , world and story is simply masterfully crafted to the point where you really understand that there will never be another game like killer7 EVER. To explain, I have always adored Suda 51 for how crazy , chaotic and out there his games have always been. It always draws me back to every title he released and will be releasing down the line. Killer7 is a game way ahead of its time and really sets the tone for the amazing legacy Suda will continue to create but after playing Killer7 you wonder how in the world can you top this?. Suda 51 himself has stated that he believes Killer7 will never be topped for him and after playing the game myself I can agree. Killer7 is such a meticulously put together game it's astonishing to think that this is only ⅓ of the story Suda was able to put into the game.


Honestly the biggest curveball for me as I was not expecting to get as invested in this story as I did. To explain, Killer7 is not easily understood, the game will in fact be confusing for you for a lot of its run time but by the end things will slowly crack open for you. I will honestly keep this segment short as I believe this story is a masterpiece that should be experienced by everyone without the least amount of knowledge you can have about it. There is a reason as to why this game's story is still analyzed, discussed and even argued to this day because it’s a story with an insane amount of layers that will most likely never be fully understood. Killer7’s story is phenomenal and you should truly play it just for this reason alone.


Another aspect that I really enjoyed was the gameplay and how unique it was to play through. To explain , this game is an on rails shooter where you run on set paths to each destination of the game. Furthermore, because of this style this game is not free roam but do not let that deceive you because you will get stuck at certain segments if you do not look through every nook and cranny of the levels. Taking control of 7 Killers you can swap between each of them at any given moment and this is important for a few reasons. To explain, Each character has their own set of skills which WILL be required to use at very specific moments during each level and these objectives are not doable with anyone else past that one character. This can be a hassle but if you just do a little trial and error you will get by each part after sometime. In addition , the combat has you fighting demon-like monsters where you have to press a button to visibly see them before being able to shoot them. It gets the job done and is fun for the whole runtime. I honestly never got bored with the encounters the game kept throwing at me as you maneuver through each hallway. In addition, I really like how you can pretty much one shot most enemies if you have good aim as most enemies will have glowing yellow orbs on specific parts that you can shoot that will one shot them on top of giving you blood to level and refill on health. The last part does lead me into one thing that didn’t really give me impact in which is the leveling system in killer7. To explain, when you one shot enemies you obtain blood which can be used to level each of your characters but I honestly never really felt a power difference from leveling up anyone so I am not sure what the point of it was. However, this doesn’t honestly affect the game in any shape or form. I just wish the leveling system was more meaningful. In addition to leveling you as well fill up blood vials which can be used to heal your characters or you can use multiple vials to get a charge shot that will destroy enemies. In the end the gameplay is very engaging and fun but can be a bit confusing at times but hey there are always guides online for the confusing parts if needed.


As always the bosses are some of my favorite parts of Suda 51 games and Killer7 is no different in delivering unique and insane bosses. As stated in the story segment I will also not go into the bosses as I think it's best to experience them with 0 info but they do not disappoint!


One of the aspects I adore about Killer7 was its character pool as each character is loveable for many reasons. Everyone is Oozing with personality that you really can’t help but to want to learn more and more and more about the cast of killer7. This is a strong part of the game as this HAD to work in order for the story to be as impactful as it was. Like you heard me say I will refrain from saying anymore as I believe you should play this game knowing as least as you can.

Graphics , OST, Sounds

There really is a certain feeling you get when you play Suda games. It's such an oddly cozy feeling that is hard to explain. I loved each level's layout and would always take a look around at everything I could, which is weird when you take into account there isn’t a lot of set pieces in each level, it's usually a lot of walls and pictures of walls apart from special segments LOL. It boils down to the color scheme for me as to why I think I kept looking around so much because the colors can be very vibrant and beautiful to look at then very dark and mysterious the next moment. Pair this with an amazing OST and sound effects. It really blends for an oddly cozy , calming experience that I can promise you……. The game is far from Cozy and calming.

Let's wrap this up

Killer7 is a game I went in knowing I was going to enjoy and left being completely in love and enamored by its lore and world. There are very few games that provoke this feeling out of me and that is why I will say this is a MUST play for honestly everyone looking for a truly unique and lore driven experience. There will never be another game like Killer7 but that is okay because we in fact already have the Killer7 we will only ever need.

Killer7 I feel is the type of game you'd present to a grand council that is trying to determine if games are art. It's a game that's paranoia inducing, complex, political, literary, and just damn cool. It's a metaphysical mindfuck the whole way through, but it sticks in your mind like a delightfully demented plague, and you will be sure to remember it.

and at what point...does mid.......become peak........

Heheheheh. ... What happens in pinky pie's party stays in pinky pies party ...😈😈😈.

Stockholm syndrome for teething babies. Fucking grow up and play some real games like call of duty and fortnite. Fuck off. Mid.