Games I should reassess

Stole another one lol

I don't really get why people seem to think this game has way better enemy encounters than 4, want to go back and see if I misremembered how good the encounters are, or if its just people overfocusing on 4's dumb gimmick enemies
Unlikely that I ever will since it's been taken down from the Play Store, but another one where I want to see what's nostalgia and what's quality game design
Another game where I just don't feel I played enough of to get a good read on
Want to see how well it holds up to more recent games in the series without the nostalgia googles
Mostly just need to get more of the major endings, feel like I haven't played it enough to get a good read


See Viewtiful Joe


Couldn't really get into it when I first played, despite moments of brilliance, which was likely in part due to the fact that I was playing it on a shitty laptop at the time


(Also 3, ODST, and 4) Been too long since I played the campaigns, not entirely sure how I'd rank them still


Didn't really understand the mechanics well when I played it, wanna give it another shot with a better understanding of them


(including 2 in this as well) I didn't really appreciate the resource management aspect of these kinds of games when I initially played them, want to go back and see how they hold up with that in mind


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