俺のGOTY 2022

The GOTY on this site is only for games released this year... I had no choice but to make a list. But isn't it okay? When it comes to music, if that person hears it for the first time, it's a new release. Limited to the first game I touched this year.

Best Gameplay
It may be one of the best 5 tactical SLGs. It is similar to the feeling of playing Tsume-Shogi. Hardcore. If I had my way, I wanted a campaign scenario.
Best Art Direction
A mass of sense. Richard Hofmeier, You're pretty good.
PS: Thanks to ConeCvltist and kingbancho for telling me about this game.
PPS: This game gave me tendonitis. "My hand!!"
Game of the Year & Best Narrative & Best Soundtrack
I am writing two separate reviews for GAA but can't seem to complete them. Help me, Holmes Sholmes.
Special Prize
I wrote a long review but rejected it.
The reason is that I wrote endlessly about the Japanese judicial system and criminal procedure laws and their flaws, which have nothing to do with the gameplay or mechanisms, and it became a long piece of garbage that was not fun to read at all.
I may re-write it and upload it if it works.


1 year ago

"The reason is that I wrote endlessly about the Japanese judicial system and criminal procedure laws and their flaws, which have nothing to do with the gameplay or mechanisms, and it became a long piece of garbage that was not fun to read at all."

My friend, random ramblings about legal systems is my literal definition of fun. Please, publish it!

1 year ago

Please give me some time to think about it. I would say in lieu of a review... I have a book recommendation.
"The Japanese Way of Justice" by David T. Johnson
This book was very helpful in considering yuzai x muzai and Ace Attorney. As the title suggests, this is a good book about the Japanese judicial system. The author, Mr. Johnson, wrote a good impression of the reality of the Japanese judicial system in a careful and detailed book. (Perhaps that's not surprising given the seriousness of the subject matter we're dealing with...)

Despite the enormous barriers of Japanese society, culture, and language for him as an American, there is no dogmatism or prejudice in his writing. This also made a good impression on me as a Japanese person. (Even world-renowned and highly regarded scholars can make mistakes. I have often had that experience when reading translated books. The biggest reason for this may be that the person has no Japanese acquaintances or friends. Acknowledgments indicate that Mr. Johnson spent 15 months in Japan, conversing and discussing with many Japanese people. The number of Japanese mentioned by name alone is 63, many of whom are prosecutors.)

Again, Mr. Johnson was doubly impressive in that he was very fair and not dogmatic. Frankly, I thought, "I want to be judged by someone like this!" judgment on me...(Warning. Persona 5 Spoiler.) I don't have a criminal record at the moment, though, and I don't plan to go to court.

However, the original books are expensive, so it is better to use libraries. (The kindle version costs a hefty 100$!) I borrowed the Japanese translation from the library and read it. Half of the content of my review of yuzai x muzai as it stands/rejected is a response(reaction?) to this book itself. ...What am I supposed to do with a book review in the comments section? So please give me a little time.

1 year ago

"But isn't it okay?"

[CDX looks at all the "favorites of the year" lists in his activity feed]

Yeah, it is. =P

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