I was expecting something different about SoR3 compared to the previous games (the more sequels there are, the worse they usually are). I don't think that I was wrong about this one.

The game is harder than the other ones. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing but it's not like the previous games were that easy either. Even Easy Mode is difficult in this one.

Just like in the previous games, you spend half of the time getting beaten by your teammate

Not as fun as Streets of Rage, and a bit more frustrating, but still exciting to play

I loved the PC game so much that I was happy about having the PS2 port. But no... This game is terrible and it's so different from the PC version that I got almost instantly bored.

So, after some months I am back with Village, after liking the VII game so much. It's as I remember it, from playing the DEMO. The story is so horrible it kinda makes me want to quit but the stunning visuals are worth it (actually, if you turn the settings to "high mode"). The voice-acting, at least the one in Jap., is to run from. This game keeps adding up cringe scenes on top of cringe scenes.

I switched the dub to English and I'm much more pleased. The game is fun but it's far from being excellent - The style of the game is similar to many other action games but could have a better story or dialogue.
It's very disappointing in terms of plot, like it was written by a child.

Fortunately it added some scary moments - fortunately for a horror game this is.

You really need some hours to truly like the game. If you like apocalyptical worlds, then you'll probably like this. The amount of missions in this game and the customization of your character are things that will make you enjoy your time while playing this.
Unfortunately, Fallout fails in bringing stunning graphics and the game tends to crash a lot. In fact, it's the only game I have where it suddenly crashes out of nothing.
One of the other negative aspects is that in order to finish the game you'll need to buy a certain extra (unless you have the GOFY edition). That sucks because when I got this game I didn't know about the DLC and I had to re-play the entire game but this time with the GOTY edition (I think you can save the data of the original game to continue though).

Without counting with those negative aspects the game can be pretty good and addictive. The open world is also huge and if you have the GOFY then it gets bigger. It surely is an immersive game.

Beautiful graphics and world. I like the amount of things you can do in this game but the exaggerated number of quests can make this experience a little boring.
Nonetheless, I think this is a must play. If you like RPG give this one a try.

I only dropped it because it's a very long game and I am not the most persistent person.

I know that this game will be always my favorite for the PS3. There is no such game as Journey and the story and gameplay are A-W-E-S-O-M-E! The soundtrack fits the game and the end is emotionally captivating. I guess I don't have the words to describe this gem.

The other games that came with this one (e.g. flower) were not very good compared to Journey.

Played the 1st and loved it.
The second looks exactly like the first apart from a few things. Can't say that I prefer this one since they both look so alike - the story might be better in the first though. Also, it's a shame that you have a limit amout of money in this game.

I didn't finish the 3rd one but, from what I played, it is a fun one (but not as fun as the first two).

I bought this game at Cex (a second hand store), without knowing what to expect. I am turning myself to old school games as I've encountered some gems among them. But this is not one of them, though.

The game has potential, in my most honest opinion. The faces of the characters are a meme though! They are so bad that they make me laugh. The battle system is annoying also...

Absolutely love the shooters for the PS2, especially if they are from Medal of Honor series. The dark aura of it gives it a more sinister look and the settings and all of that looked amazing!

Used to play this with my brother to what seems now a LONG time ago! Good memories!

It was one of those games that made you glued to the TV from start to finish. It was a big thing when it came out :)

Very simple but beautiful nonetheless.
There's not much to do though besides admiring what's around you which can be a bit disappointing.

Exploring is not the forte of this game as you can't freely go where you want. Chapters are short which makes you feel incomplete.

What a rip-off of Alien.
The horror scenes were pretty much predictable and I don't even want to talk about the bugs in this game.

I spent more than two years trying to finish this, guess it didn't make a good impression.

This was my favorite game for the PS4. I am really glad I managed to buy it when it came out because I absolutely loved the experience of playing it.
I hadn't had the chance before but I was sold after playing this masterpiece!

The graphics and the gameplay are stunning and the fights are very exciting. Totally recommend it!

I played this game many years ago and it was one of the first games for the PC that I tried (and that left a big impact on me as a matter of fact). It's a very simple game but very beautiful, as well as creative.

It's definitely not a game everyone would like.
It gives surrealistic vibes which I love and it's one of those games that is mainly famous for its art.